Now showing items 31-40 of 55
A avaliação escolar de Química na percepção de discentes do ensino médio
School evaluation is an important tool for diagnosis of knowledge, feedback on educational practice and a great opportunity for students to reflect and reformulate knowledge. In order to assess properly, the teacher must ...
Materiais didáticos digitais de química: concepções dos professores sobre a produção e utilização no contexto do ensino remoto
This dissertation aims to analyze the conceptions of the chemistry teachers about the production and utilization of digital didactic materials in the remote teaching. In 2020, the schools were submitted to comply with the ...
Alfabetização científica: uma reflexão sobre o ensino de ciências
Scientific literacy is the understanding of science and the ways of reading nature that serve as a basis for personal decision-making and the formation of critical citizens. It consists of considering that school is an ...
A abordagem do livro didático de Química sob uma perspectiva interdisciplinar em uma escola pública
Teaching in an interdisciplinary way is an action that must be present in teaching dynamics so that learning takes place in a more meaningful way. It is a topic that brings with it diverse discussions among education ...
Uma proposta pedagógica para o ensino de Ciências da Natureza a partir da construção de um aquário sustentável
This research aims to teach science in elementary school grades, based on the perception of the student's daily life and integrating their experiences with the physical-chemical and biochemical contents provided for by the ...
A relação gestão-professor no contexto pandêmico da Covid-19
The following study had as its purpose to discuss the impacts of the teacher-administration relationship in the teaching-learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the administration’s role of coordinating ...
Sequências didáticas: uma proposta para o ensino de química
The teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences by high school students, especially Chemistry, proves to be challenging in the way it is developed and the way it is presented: boring, with excessive memorization of ...
Processos oxidativos avançados (POA) no ensino de Cinética Química: proposta de ferramenta metodológica envolvendo a Química e a Educação Ambiental
Environmental education is a branch of science instituted by the law 9795, on April 27, 1999, which must be applied as transversal content. It is not defined as a discipline, but it needs to take part in all disciplines, ...
A percepção estudantil e docente acerca do projeto interdisciplinar como possibilidade de construção do protagonismo juvenil
The work presented is dedicated to the study of interdisciplinarity and youth protagonism as important pedagogical tools in contemporary education, therefore, they are implemented with the aim of improving the quality of ...