Now showing items 21-30 of 55
Monitoria acadêmica: tecendo relações entre o planejado, o realizado e o construído junto aos estudantes
This study brings reflections on the contributions of academic monitoring in the curricular component of Fundamentals of Education I, in a 2nd period class of Chemistry Degree Course, at Federal Institute of Pernambuco, ...
O ensino da química dialogando com a matemática: uma abordagem interdisciplinar
The present work intends to express the need to take an interdisciplinary approach in
the teaching of Chemistry, since the great majority of students find it difficult to learn
the contents of Chemistry, it was noticed ...
Aplicações em inteligência artificial na educação, na química e no ensino de química: uma revisão sistemática de literatura
The major goal of this work was to verify how Artificial Intelligence has been used
in Education, Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching, identifying its applications and
contributions, through a Systematic Literature Review, ...
Motivação autodeterminada dos professores das áreas de ciências exatas, da terra e biológicas
Self-determined motivation can be based on types or the quality of an individual's motivation, as well as their quantity. This basic psychological process can provide important results for psychological health and well-being, ...
Concepções dos (as) docentes e licenciandos (as) sobre possibilidades e desafios de uso do livro didático de Química
The purpose of this study is to describe the conceptions of chemistry teachers and graduates about the possibilities and challenges of using the textbook. It addresses the book of Chemistry of High School that is included ...
Concepções docentes e discentes acerca do papel do estágio supervisionado na formação dos/as licenciandos/as em química do IFPE campus Ipojuca
Several studies show us that a Supervised Internship allows the undergraduate to integrate the
theoretical and practical knowledge acquired as an undergraduate, reflecting on the
observations and life experiences ...
Os desafios na construção de uma pesquisa científica: percepção de docentes-orientadores e graduandos do curso de Licenciatura em Química
Undergraduates in general face difficulties in carrying out the Course Completion Assignment (Final paper), when it comes to understanding and following the principles of scientific research, and also regarding the quality ...
Concepções sobre gênero e raça no curso de Licenciatura em Química
Dealing with issues of gender and race in schools does not only involve recognizing the difference and exercising tolerance and respect for it. Diversity involves understanding its dynamics so that practices aimed at ...