Now showing items 11-20 of 55
Ansiedade nos estudantes diante das avaliações e atendimento às expectativas
Anxiety is defined as a physical, psychological discomfort, distress, and agony,
involving physiological, behavioral, and cognitive components. It is an alarming state,
which can generate undesirable consequences, such ...
A influência da interpretação textual no ensino-aprendizagem de Química
This work aimed to analyze the opinions of teachers of the areas of Portuguese Language and Chemistry on the importance of the proper practice of interpreting texts in the subject of Chemistry and the negative influences ...
Ensino remoto e as tecnologias digitais: aprendizagens construídas a partir das trocas de experiências entre professores de Química
This monograph aims to identify the learning exchanges that Chemistry teachers are building from their experiences with remote classes. In March 2020, schools and institutions had to suspend their face-to-face activities ...
Compostagem de resíduos alimentares: uma abordagem em um ambiente escolar
Research that addresses ecological alternatives to waste generated by society must be
supported today. Composting is one of these alternatives, but to put it into practice it is
necessary to ...
A utilização dos mapas conceituais como técnica potencializadora da aprendizagem de química orgânica
This Course Conclusion Paper was produced to portray a research on the use of
Concept Maps as a technique for the study of organic chemistry. This project was
carried out with 3° year high school students from a state ...
Avaliação escolar no componente curricular química: concepções e práticas de docentes do ensino médio
Teachers' conceptions about school evaluation are presented as a field of
study that demands continuous reflections regarding planning and results
from the teaching-learning process. Considering the ideas of Vasconcell ...
Novos desafios e estratégias de ensino dos professores de química do IFPE Ipojuca frente à pandemia do Covid 19
In the year of 2020 the world was caught by surprise by the event of the pandemic, accompanying worldwide devastation, characterized by being extremely contagious and very lethal. Therefore, the healthcare professionals ...
Inter-relação entre química e física: uma proposta para o ensino do modelo atômico de Bohr através da espectroscopia estelar
The teaching of Chemistry is considered challenging, despite presenting the possibility of using experimentation, dealing with atomic models may seem inconceivable, but the use of contextualization and interdisciplinarity ...
Contribuição de um jogo didático no reconhecimento das funções orgânicas
When we talk about teaching Organic Chemistry in high school, we realize that the practice normally used in the classroom is traditional, in the memorization and repetition of names, formulas and calculations, totally ...