Now showing items 31-40 of 59
A Utilização do lúdico nos programas PIBID e residência pedagógica na licenciatura em matemática do IFPE/Pesqueira
This article discusses the importance of working on playfulness during the training of
undergraduates studensts in mathematics, who participate or have participated in the
Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching ...
Avaliação em matemática durante a pandemia de covid-19: um estudo de caso
Faced with a new reality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have
taken place in the teaching and learning processes, especially in the evaluation
process. The objective of this study was to analyze what were ...
Formação de professores de matemática para inclusão de discalcúlicos : um estudo de caso
This work is part of a scientific initiation Project that aimed to analyze the training of Mathematics degree teachers with regard to inclusive education, specifically about Dyscalculia we used authors such as Lanúzia ...
O Método de Briot-Ruffini e as relações de Girard para resolução de equações algébricas do terceiro grau
The resolutions of equations have always motivated mathematicians since antiquity,
contributing significantly to the history of mathematics. In this sense, we aim to
present methods of resolution of third-degree ...
Função polinomial do 1° grau: análise do desempenho de estudantes do 9º ano em atividades construídas a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item
The objective of this work is to analyze the performance of students in the 9th grade
of elementary school when answering activities related to the theme polynomial
function of the 1st grade built from the Item Response ...
Transformações geométricas elementares no plano complexo
The main objective of this work is to present the theory of complex numbers with a
geometric look, inferring that the geometric applications executed in the Cartesian
plane, conveniently adapted, can also be applied in ...
Equação do 1° grau: análise do desempenho de estudantes do 8° ano em atividades construídas a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item
The present work aims to analyze the performance of students in the 8th grade of
elementary school, when responding to activities related to the theme of the 1st grade
equation, constructed from the Item Response Theory ...
A Geometria na educação infantil: opiniões e práticas pedagógicas de professores
This study sought to analyze the teachers' opinions and how they develop the
pedagogical work related to the teaching of Geometry in Early Childhood Education.
To do so, we resorted to qualitative research and used an ...
O Ensino de matemática em dialogicidade com a identidade étnico-cultural do povo indígena Xukuru do Ororubá: um estudo sobre os polígonos a partir da pintura corporal
This article aims to report an experience lived in the discipline of mathematics in a
class of 7th grade A of Elementary School of the Ororubá State Indigenous School,
located in the Xukuru do Ororubá Indigenous Territory, ...
Frequência estatística das unidades temáticas da bncc para o ensino fundamental anos finais nas provas da obmep
This work aims to map the statistical frequency of the thematic units Numbers, Algebra,
Geometry, Quantities and measures and Probability and Statistics, listed in the BNCC
(National Common Curricular Base) belonging to ...