Now showing items 21-30 of 59
Uma análise das metodologias utilizadas por professores de matemática do ensino médio de uma escola pública do interior de Pernambuco durante o período de pandemia do covid-19
In this work we analyze the impacts of the pandemic on the final stage of basic
education, we seek to know the methodologies adopted by high school mathematics
teachers in a public school in the state of Pernambuco. For ...
O tratamento vetorial para conceitos de geometria analítica do ensino médio usando o GeoGebra
The vectorial treatment of Analytical Geometry has been excluded from discussions
in state curricular menus and high school textbooks over the past two decades.
Therefore, this work presents as methodology a literature ...
O livro didático e os problemas matemáticos relacionados a calculadora
This article aims to point out if there are mathematical problems in the textbooks of the
final grades of elementary school that require the use of the calculator, as well as its
relationship with the skills of the BNCC. ...
Formação inicial de professores de matemática e o ensino remoto: uma avaliação pelos discentes
We are currently experiencing a historic moment, worldwide people were surprised by the pandemic of
COVID-19. The need for social isolation caused the suspension of several activities, mainly in the
educational field. ...
Desafio e possibilidade para o ensino de frações na pandemia: uma visão dos/as professores de matemática 6 ano do ensino fundamental
The present course conclusion work aimed to analyze the challenges faced by
teachers from the state, municipal and private network of the municipality of
Pesqueira-PE in relation to the teaching of fractions in the 6th ...
Medidas agrárias utilizadas pelo povo Xukuru do Ororubá na cubagem de terras
The objective of this research is to present the ways, practices and techniques used by the
Xukuru do Ororubá indigenous peoples, who are located in the city of Pesqueira-PE, as well
as to answer if this system of measures ...
As Cônicas e seus diâmetros: construções e problemas
The present work is a descriptive study on the diameters of conics which has the
descriptive analysis methodology adopted. The main objective is to describe the
diameters of each conic, contributing to the teaching of ...
Evasão Discente: da produção cientifica ao olhar do discente do curso de licenciatura em Matemática do IFPE - Campus Pesqueira
In this work, we initially present the results of an analysis, of the research research
type, made from scientific articles published from 2010 to 2020 that present research
on student dropout in higher education (EHEA) ...