Now showing items 41-48 of 48
O cotidiano dos professores de química: saberes docentes em tempos de aulas remotas
This study aimed to analyze the daily life of Chemistry teachers during remote teaching, identifying the possible difficulties faced in this period, the way in which they reconcile the daily routine with the classes, as ...
Desafios das aulas práticas expositivas de Química durante a pandemia do Covid-19, como umas das ferramentas pedagógicas do ensino aprendizagem
This study aimed to understand the importance of practical lectures on chemistry during the period experienced by the covid-19 pandemic. The fact-finding field was carried out in a state high school. A qualitative research ...
As tecnologias digitais da informação e comunicação (TDICs) no ensino de Química para estudantes surdos no ensino médio
The present study aimed to provide a High School Chemistry teacher with theoretical and practical enhancement on the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as inclusive and facilitative resources for the ...
Percurso de um estudante com transtorno do espectro autista no ensino médio: permanência e êxito numa escola regular
This study aimed to analyze factors that contribute to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder remaining and succeeding in schools until the end of high school. The research has a qualitative approach and was developed using ...
Desafios e estratégias utilizadas por estudantes com deficiência visual no estudo da Química no ensino médio
This study aimed to investigate strategies used by students with visual impairments to study Chemistry in High School. In this research, a qualitative approach was used so that we could observe the pedagogical practices ...
Atividades experimentais nas concepções de professores de química do ensino médio
The teaching-learning process of Chemistry in High School requires constant reflection and improvement. There have been several studies conducted in recent years regarding the approaches, methodologies, and resources that ...
Análise do perfil dos estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Química do IFPE campus Ipojuca
This article presents an analysis of the profile of students on the Chemistry Degree course at the IFPE Ipojuca campus. The research involved 433 students from the Chemistry Degree Course offered at Campus Ipojuca and ...
Proposta de Diagrama de Linus Pauling adaptado no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Química para estudantes com deficiência visual
This study aimed to verify how assistive technologies contribute to the teaching-learning process of students with visual impairment in chemistry. With this, it used as a proposal the use of adapted didactic material, in ...