Now showing items 811-820 of 1063
Percepção da comunidade Saué (Tamandaré – PE) sobre a utilização de agrotóxicos
Pesticides have been very relevant in food production worldwide, because, through them, production and productivity on large scales have remained standing, this is because they fight insects, diseases, fungi, and weeds. ...
Análises dos parâmetros físicos-químicos e microbiológicos do efluente da ETE localizada no município de Rio Formoso
The investigation aimed to present the effluent treatment system of the city of Rio Formoso, to analyze the quality data of the effluents of the Sewage Treatment Station (STS) studied. Effluent is defined as all sanitary ...
Diagnóstico de conversores CA-CC-CA através da aplicação de redes neurais convolucionais
Due to the need to reduce emissions of polluting gases and the search
for more sustainable means of energy production, wind energy has been one
of the fastest-growing renewable sources in the world. However, operation
and ...
Playlist de Vídeos: demonstração da execução de serviços da construção civil.
(Os autores, 2022-07-04)
Espécies Arbóreas Exóticas: estrutura populacional na Floresta Atlântica do Nordeste
The introduction of exotic species, present in different ecosystems in Brazil and around
the world, has been a cause for concern among scholars on the subject, due to the
risks that these species present to natural ...
Desafios, adaptações e aprendizagens no ensino fundamental II da escola municipal Conselheiro Euclides Celso durante a pandemia do COVID-19
With the occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil in early 2020, society had to review its habits and live in social isolation for a while. Mediate to this isolation, education had to adapt to a non-stop teaching ...
Desafios da residência pedagógica em modalidade remota na pandemia da COVID 19 no IFPE campus Barreiros
The present work is a case study lived by the undergraduates in Chemistry of the IFPE-Campus Barreiros, together with the preceptor professor, with the general objective of reporting an experience lived in the pedagogical ...
Intervenção didática: relato de uma experiência docente com uso do simulador PhET colorado para o ensino e aprendizagem de densidade
The present work approaches the use of the Phet Colorado simulator in the teaching of density as a didactic resource constituting a didactic intervention carried out in a class of the 1st of high school integrated to the ...
O estudo da qualidade da água do IFPE campus - Barreiros, pós pandemia
The objective of the work was to analyze the parameters of surface water quality at theFederal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco, Campus-Barreiros, taking into account the time that the institute spent ...
Inclusão dos estudantes com transtorno e déficit de atenção (TDAH) e abordagens didáticas nas aulas de Ciências da Natureza
Currently, we hear a lot about the specificities involved in atypical human brain functioning. Immersed in this universe is a population that presents Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many of whom are still ...