Now showing items 841-850 of 1040
Análise fitoquímica, doseamento de fenóis e flavonoides totais, atividade antioxidante e fotoprotetora de Clidemia hirta
Clidemia hirta is commonly known as caiia, pixirica or peludinha. This species is distributed mainly in the Neotropical regions of the world, but is also found in Brazil. In folk medicine, C. hirta tea is used to treat ...
Desenvolvimento de aplicativo móvel para comunicar desastres e crimes ambientais ocorridos nos municípios da Região Metropolitana do Recife
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2023-11-30)
In view of the need for a technological solution, which allows citizens to communicate
occurrences of disasters and environmental crimes in the Metropolitan Region of Recife to the
authorities, increasing and improving ...
ESP32: guia prático
(Do autor, 2024-03-01)
Proposição de metodologia para reformulação curricular de cursos técnicos integrados ao médio no âmbito da EPCT: inovações, possibilidades e desafios
The curricular organization guides any training system and its construction process must be based on ethical,
political, epistemological and pedagogical references. In professional education, curricula must reflect a ...
Avaliação do uso de visão computacional para detecção de filhotes de tartarugas marinhas.
In Brazil, five out of the seven existing species of marine turtles can be found. Professionals specialized in this field carry out the counting of hatched offspring, cracked eggs, and stillbirths in nests. As a powerful ...
Ferramenta de apoio didático-pedagógico para inserção das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação e Metodologias Ativas no ensino profissional, técnico e tecnológico
The imposition of remote learning caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed that the teaching
process required the use of new digital techniques that enable the student to be an active subject
of their learning. In this ...
Impacto das atividades de Ensino Remoto em estudantes: Um estudo de caso em cursos do Ensino Médio Integrado do IFPE – Campus Barreiros
Brazil was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, which forced people to maintain social
distance as a sanitary measure to combat the virus. Educational institutions and their subjects were
not prepared for a modality ...
Uso de Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação por Docentes do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco – Campus Barreiros: Da formação à atuação docente
The aim of this study was to verify whether initial or continuing teacher education prepares teachers
for the proper use of TDIC in the classroom. The study used the field research technique, of an
exploratory nature. ...
DataHarbor: capacitando o engajamento cidadão por meio da visualização de dados abertos na governança municipal
The increasing availability of public data provides significant opportunities for understanding and making informed decisions; however, the complexity and heterogeneity of these data can create barriers to their interpretation ...