Now showing items 821-830 of 1063
Investigação da formação docente de química na educação básica: um estudo aplicado
In a general conception, this research carries out a diagnosis in relation to the teaching of chemistry in the basic education network; This was observed from the perspective of the teacher and their respective qualifications, ...
Orientações da neurociência para a prática docente: contribuições para o ensino
The present work relates Neuroscience and Education showing important facts of the science of mind for teacher training. In addition, we present a study on how the brain processes learning and how the numerous didactic ...
Plano de intervenção: conscientização ambiental e resíduos sólidos em uma instituição de ensino privada no município de Barreiros/PE
The present work aims to contribute to the learning and environmental awareness of high school students at School São José in Barreiros/PE, through an Intervention Proposal with the theme of environmental education and ...
Educação alimentar: a análise de rótulos como estratégia educativa para promover uma alimentação saudável
Promoting the reading of labels with the help of teaching chemistry to encourage the habit of looking at the packaging when buying and consuming these foods, as a strategy for healthy eating education among children and ...
Manipueira, uma possível fonte de contaminação da água das cacimbas próximas às casas de farinhas no Engenho Benfica na zona rural de Barreiros
In this work, analyzes of the water of the wells near the flour houses of the Benfica mill located in the rural area of the municipalities of Barreiros were carried out, where aiming to analyze the water of these wells to ...
A paródia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Química: a visão da docente e dos discentes
The present work investigated the use of parody in the teaching of chemistry and its contributions in the teaching-learning process of the concepts of chemistry. Therefore, it defined as conceptuais reference categories ...
Podcast: Por dentro do Quizizz
(O autor., 2022-08-24)
Adensamento de lodo de estação de tratamento de água (Leta): um estudo a partir do tratamento por floco-flotação do lodo gerado na estação de tratamento de água Presidente Castelo branco, Pernambuco-Brasil
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2023-06-01)
The present work aims to present the study, development of a project and tests of a pilot
Effluent Treatment Station (ETEF), for the treatment of waste generated at the President
Castelo Branco-PE treatment station. The ...
Avaliação do monitoramento da infestação de aedes aegypti pelo método das ovitrampas na cidade de Toritama – Pernambuco frente à covid-19
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2023-08-11)
The circulation of arboviruses and consequent infections by DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV is still
a present reality in our country. With the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to emphasize
even more the need for care with ...