Now showing items 11-20 of 110
Propriedades periódicas: uma proposta para o uso do lúdico
Playful activities are directly related to games and fun that have entertainment as one of the purposes, but when applied in the classroom, it is used as a teaching tool, with the learning of students as the main objective; ...
Influência do cenário pandêmico na qualidade do serviço educacional de uma instituição federal
This research is an exploratory case study that aims to identify the impacts resulting
from the pandemic caused by Covid-19 on the quality of educational services provided
by a federal educational institution, ...
Turismo pedagógico como ferramenta de educação patrimonial para os alunos da rede municipal de ensino em Igarassu – PE
The following project addresses the importance of Pedagogical Tourism as a Heritage Education practice for students of the Municipal Network of Igarassu. The present work is prepared to analyze how Tourism has been treated ...
Aulas remotas e sua representação para professores do ensino médio integrado no Instituto Federal de Pernambuco Campus Garanhuns
This work is a qualitative research whose focus is to analyze the representations of the communicative event class in remote context for integrated high school teachers at the IFPE campus Garanhuns. The study differentiates ...
A relação entre compreensão leitora, matemática básica e desempenho em química na percepção de professores do ensino médio
During the lesson, the teacher tries to make his students learn. However, it is common to come across barriers that interfere with this process. In High School, for example, there are difficulties related to content from ...
A disciplina de Língua Inglesa no Ensino Médio Integrado: perspectivas de desenvolvimento de uma consciência intercultural crítica
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2019-08-28)
At present, English language teaching has demanded some reconfigurations, mainly discussing the proposal of a more critical language teaching. In this new context of teaching-learning, it yearns for conscious pedagogical ...
Ensino médio integrado à educação profissional e tecnológica: a relação entre o currículo integrado e a prática pedagógica docente
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2019-08-28)
This research studied the curriculum concerning the development of a pedagogical practice based on a conception of omnilateral education that leads to human emancipation. Therefore, we intended to answer the following ...
Ensino de Inglês Instrumental no contexto da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica: princípios norteadores e práticas educativas
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2019-12-20)
This master's thesis, which is the result of a research developed in the Professional
Master's Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT), studied
the proposal and practice of English for Specific ...
O ensino da habilidade de fala da Língua Inglesa: possibilidades da abordagem lexical no Ensino Médio Integrado
Reflection on practice, professional development and teaching experience help understand the importance of learning about methodological conceptions in English Language teaching. The study of these concepts contributes to ...
O lugar da afetividade no planejamento de aulas remotas de Química de professores do ensino médio
The study of affectivity in the school context has great relevance due to its relationship with teaching-learning. Research shows that the activities developed by teachers must be permeated with affectivity so that they ...