Now showing items 1-10 of 40
Formação de professores iniciantes para o Ensino Médio Integrado: necessidades formativas ao desenvolvimento profissional
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-06-07)
This dissertation deals with the training of teachers at the beginning of their careers to work in Vocational and Technological Education, analyzing the issue, from the reality of a Teaching Institution, which makes up the ...
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2022-01-28)
One of the biggest challenges for sustainable development is the adequate management of
urban spaces, since the increase in population in urban areas in the world is increasing and in
Brazil this trend is repeated. In ...
Evasão escolar: representações sociais construídas por estudantes evadidos do Curso Técnico Subsequente em Eletroeletrônica do IFPE – Campus Afogados da Ingazeira
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-07-01)
School dropout affects all levels and modalities of education, including Technical Vocational Education at the Secondary Level. We aimed, in this research, to analyze the social representations of school dropouts constructed ...
Vibrações do silêncio na Educação Inclusiva: mediações possíveis no ensino de Música para pessoas com Surdez
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-07-19)
Taking as a reference the integral human formation, the present master's dissertation establishes
a dialogue between the Historical-Critical and the Historical-Cultural theory, aiming to deal
with the possibilities of ...
Relação teoria e prática na formação do técnico em edificações no ensino médio integrado
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-07-04)
This research has the general objective of analyzing the relationship between theory and
practice in the training of students of the Integrated Technical Course in Buildings at the Federal
Institute of Education, Science ...
Inclusão de estudantes com deficiência: representações sociais construídas por professores(as) de cursos técnicos subsequentes
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-08-25)
The theme of inclusion of persons with disabilities has been discussed in different
segments of society. In this research, we analyzed the social representations of
inclusion of students with disabilities developed by ...
Um olhar discursivo sobre a extensão e a formação omnilateral de estudantes do IFPE -Campus Palmares
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-08-15)
This research aimed to understand, from the students' discourse, the importance of
Extension for human formation in an omnilateral perspective. The specific objectives
were: to identify in the students' speeches how they ...
Gestão democrática: participação docente na gestão do currículo do ensino médio integrado
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-08-31)
This research had as object of study the democratic management and its relationship with
curriculum management. The general objective of the research was to analyze the ways in which
teachers participate in the decision-making ...
Análise das ocorrencias de eventos hidrológicos extremos e ações de adaptação nos municípios da Região Metropolitana do Recife - Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2022-06-13)
Climate change provides the occurrence of disasters, especially in places with irregular
occupations, often bringing irreversible effects. Given this scenario, this research had as main
objective to analyze the occurrences ...
A Educação Profissional e Tecnológica de jovens e adolescentes em medida socioeducativa: iniciativas no âmbito do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2022-08-23)
The research deals with the provision of Vocational and Technological Education (EPT) to the
public of young people and adolescents in situations of vulnerability and violation of rights,
within the scope of the Federal ...