Now showing items 21-30 of 48
Biblioteca inclusiva: identificando estratégias e especificando recomendações para o suporte aos estudantes com deficiência visual no Ensino Profissional e Tecnológico
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-05-07)
This dissertation aimed to verify the contribution of a Recommendative Guide aiming at promoting the inclusive support of libraries for students with visual impairments within the scope of Federal Institutes, in particular, ...
Relato de experiência de uma intervenção didática sobre a origem do universo em um contexto de ensino remoto
In this work we seek to report the procedure and the results obtained from a didactic
intervention carried out entirely remotely, with the theme Origin of the Universe. The
intervention was carried out in an online ...
Contribuições do Pedagogo para o planejamento curricular do Ensino Médio Integrado
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-03-01)
This research aimed to understand the contributions of the pedagogue to the curricular planning process of the EMI as a constituent element of teaching practice. Basing the theoretical framework, we had authors such as ...
In this research we present a sequence for high school students, focused on
teaching and learning physics concepts from the understanding of how the Sirius
particle accelerator works and how it produces Synchrotron light. ...
Contribuição de um jogo didático no reconhecimento das funções orgânicas
When we talk about teaching Organic Chemistry in high school, we realize that the practice normally used in the classroom is traditional, in the memorization and repetition of names, formulas and calculations, totally ...
Olhando a análise combinatória sob o ponto de vista da teoria da transposição didática
This work aims to analyze the characteristics related to the teaching of combinatorics
in the textbook of the second year of high school; in a special way, focusing on the
analysis of the approach of the initial concept ...
Aplicações em inteligência artificial na educação, na química e no ensino de química: uma revisão sistemática de literatura
The major goal of this work was to verify how Artificial Intelligence has been used
in Education, Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching, identifying its applications and
contributions, through a Systematic Literature Review, ...
Motivação autodeterminada dos professores das áreas de ciências exatas, da terra e biológicas
Self-determined motivation can be based on types or the quality of an individual's motivation, as well as their quantity. This basic psychological process can provide important results for psychological health and well-being, ...
Análise da evasão no curso de Licenciatura em Física do IFPE campus Pesqueira: um estudo de caso
A challenge in Brazilian education is evasion in higher education, which is around 21% (BRASIL, 2018). In a research carried out between 2013 and 2016, an evasion rate of Bachelor's degrees in Physics in Brazil reached 70% ...