Now showing items 31-40 of 48
Um estudo sobre evasão no curso de licenciatura em física do IFPE campus Pesqueira na turma 2016.1
This work arose from the interest of investigating the causes of the evasion of the class
of in the Degree in Physics at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Campus Pesqueira.
A questionnaire was applied to graduates, ...
Ensinando conceitos da física através de inconsistências em desenhos animados
He introduction of audiovisual resources in education has been discussed over the
years, but we notice that it is still little used in Physics teaching situations. In view of
the need to teach Physics in a more meaningful ...
O livro didático e os problemas matemáticos relacionados a calculadora
This article aims to point out if there are mathematical problems in the textbooks of the
final grades of elementary school that require the use of the calculator, as well as its
relationship with the skills of the BNCC. ...
Práticas avaliativas no ensino remoto de física: um estudo com professores do curso de Licenciatura em Física do IFPE - campus Pesqueira
Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, a disease caused by a new coronavirus, school
institutions adopted emergency remote learning. In this context, teachers had to
make changes in their assessment practices. In this research, ...
Práticas argumentativas em uma abordagem interdisciplinar no Ensino Médio Integrado
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-04-26)
In the context of Integrated High School, it is a great challenge to face the dualism of theory and practice regarding the interdisciplinary approach. In this scenario, in order to promote a globalizing, dialogical and ...
Formação inicial de professores de matemática e o ensino remoto: uma avaliação pelos discentes
We are currently experiencing a historic moment, worldwide people were surprised by the pandemic of
COVID-19. The need for social isolation caused the suspension of several activities, mainly in the
educational field. ...
Uma proposta pedagógica para o ensino de Ciências da Natureza a partir da construção de um aquário sustentável
This research aims to teach science in elementary school grades, based on the perception of the student's daily life and integrating their experiences with the physical-chemical and biochemical contents provided for by the ...
A educação das relações étnico-raciais no ensino de geografia: desafios e possibilidades para uma educação antirracista na rede estadual de ensino no município de Abreu e Lima, Pernambuco
The circumstances of education in Brazil has a sturdy relationship with its historical
process, which was marked by the presence of Eurocentric knowledge, making
invisible or attributing little importance to understanding ...
Estágio supervisionado: a influência no ser professor para os estudantes da Licenciatura em Geografia do IFPE Campus Recife.
Seeking to address the influence of the Supervised Curriculum Internship in teacher education, we reflect on the impact that the internship promotes in the education of students, analyzing the internship reports of students, ...