Now showing items 11-20 of 48
O ensino da habilidade de fala da Língua Inglesa: possibilidades da abordagem lexical no Ensino Médio Integrado
Reflection on practice, professional development and teaching experience help understand the importance of learning about methodological conceptions in English Language teaching. The study of these concepts contributes to ...
As relações entre as concepções de formação integral e seus impactos no desenvolvimento das aulas: um estudo sob a ótica dos docentes de um Campus do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-08-26)
The Federal Institutes are guided by pillars such as integral human training, work as an educational principle in the perspective of offering omnilateral training, based on the inseparability of teaching, research and ...
Design de uma prática profissional sistematizada no curso Técnico Subsequente em Segurança do Trabalho
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-05-21)
This research aimed to conceive and validate a systematic pedagogical proposal for conducting
professional practice directed at students of the Subsequent Technical Courses in Work Safety at the
Federal Institute of ...
A gamificação no ensino de física: relato de um minicurso online sobre tópicos de física de partículas.
Gamification in the educational context can provide, for both the teacher and the
student, greater engagement and motivation, thus contributing to the teaching and
learning process. This article aims to report the ...
Ensino de física: a construção dos saberes docentes de professores iniciantes egressos do IFPE – campus Pesqueira
Through the literature and observations of teaching practices, we observed the
conservation of traditional practices in the process of teaching and learning Physics.
Nowadays, we observe the conservation of traditional ...
Ensino remoto e as tecnologias digitais: aprendizagens construídas a partir das trocas de experiências entre professores de Química
This monograph aims to identify the learning exchanges that Chemistry teachers are building from their experiences with remote classes. In March 2020, schools and institutions had to suspend their face-to-face activities ...
10 anos da licenciatura em física do IFPE - campus Pesqueira: análise dos trabalhos de conclusão de curso
In this article we seek to analyze the Final Paper (FP) of the Degree in Physics from
the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE)
campus Pesqueira in its first decade of existence (2010 ...
A utilização dos mapas conceituais como técnica potencializadora da aprendizagem de química orgânica
This Course Conclusion Paper was produced to portray a research on the use of
Concept Maps as a technique for the study of organic chemistry. This project was
carried out with 3° year high school students from a state ...
A transição da aritmética para álgebra no livro didático: o caso da transposição didática
This work aims to investigate the approximations and distances, between what is
recommended by the Common National Curricular Base and the Textbook. To raise questions
about the objective, we chose to use the notion of ...
Os conteúdos de química sob o olhar dos estudantes: perspectivas das aulas remotas
This study aimed to describe the students' perspectives regarding the contents of Chemistry in remote classes. The discussion highlighted the mediating elements in the teaching-learning process, specifically the content, ...