Now showing items 801-810 of 914
Playlist de Vídeos: demonstração da execução de serviços da construção civil.
(Os autores, 2022-07-04)
Espécies Arbóreas Exóticas: estrutura populacional na Floresta Atlântica do Nordeste
The introduction of exotic species, present in different ecosystems in Brazil and around
the world, has been a cause for concern among scholars on the subject, due to the
risks that these species present to natural ...
Desafios, adaptações e aprendizagens no ensino fundamental II da escola municipal Conselheiro Euclides Celso durante a pandemia do COVID-19
With the occurrence of the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil in early 2020, society had to review its habits and live in social isolation for a while. Mediate to this isolation, education had to adapt to a non-stop teaching ...
Desafios da residência pedagógica em modalidade remota na pandemia da COVID 19 no IFPE campus Barreiros
The present work is a case study lived by the undergraduates in Chemistry of the IFPE-Campus Barreiros, together with the preceptor professor, with the general objective of reporting an experience lived in the pedagogical ...
Intervenção didática: relato de uma experiência docente com uso do simulador PhET colorado para o ensino e aprendizagem de densidade
The present work approaches the use of the Phet Colorado simulator in the teaching of density as a didactic resource constituting a didactic intervention carried out in a class of the 1st of high school integrated to the ...
O estudo da qualidade da água do IFPE campus - Barreiros, pós pandemia
The objective of the work was to analyze the parameters of surface water quality at theFederal Institute of Science and Technology of Pernambuco, Campus-Barreiros, taking into account the time that the institute spent ...
Inclusão dos estudantes com transtorno e déficit de atenção (TDAH) e abordagens didáticas nas aulas de Ciências da Natureza
Currently, we hear a lot about the specificities involved in atypical human brain functioning. Immersed in this universe is a population that presents Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many of whom are still ...
Investigação da formação docente de química na educação básica: um estudo aplicado
In a general conception, this research carries out a diagnosis in relation to the teaching of chemistry in the basic education network; This was observed from the perspective of the teacher and their respective qualifications, ...
Orientações da neurociência para a prática docente: contribuições para o ensino
The present work relates Neuroscience and Education showing important facts of the science of mind for teacher training. In addition, we present a study on how the brain processes learning and how the numerous didactic ...
Plano de intervenção: conscientização ambiental e resíduos sólidos em uma instituição de ensino privada no município de Barreiros/PE
The present work aims to contribute to the learning and environmental awareness of high school students at School São José in Barreiros/PE, through an Intervention Proposal with the theme of environmental education and ...