Now showing items 791-800 of 908
Estratégias de ensino aplicadas ao conteúdo de radioatividade: uma reflexão sobre uso de jogos nas aulas de Química
Radioactivity is one of the great discoveries made by contemporary man, since by deepening his knowledge, he also opened important fields of application. Radioactivity widely used in medicine, agriculture, industry, biology, ...
Ciência forense no ensino de Química como laboratório alternativo
This work describes forensic science as it can be described as an activity that supports investigations that refer to crimes, on the other hand, forensic science is also able to point out the involvement of Chemistry ...
Docente do Ensino Médio Integrado em permanente aprendizagem
(Os autores, 2022-07-07)
A inclusão de estudantes com deficiência na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica
(O autor., 2022-08-25)
Avaliação da aprendizagem em Química: uma análise da experiência vivida por professor e estudantes durante o ensino remoto
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic pandemic, the world had to adapt its routine to social distancing. In this period, Communication and Information Tecnologies were fundamental to keep social dymanic in society. The use ...
Avaliação do consumo de esteroides anabolizantes e suplementos nutricionais por frequentadores de academia no município de Palmares-PE
The development of actions that promote more information about the use of food supplements and anabolic steroids is one of the activities that must be carried out by health professionals. This understanding is based on the ...
Indicadores ambientais na construção de edifícios em Recife / PE
The objective of this work was to analyze Environmental Indicators (IA) to reduce costs
and improve efficiency during the work phase of the construction process. The
activities carried out in civil construction are ...
Os sons do silêncio: a aula de violão sob o método Casa Inclusiva
(O autor., 2022-07-19)
Percepção da comunidade Saué (Tamandaré – PE) sobre a utilização de agrotóxicos
Pesticides have been very relevant in food production worldwide, because, through them, production and productivity on large scales have remained standing, this is because they fight insects, diseases, fungi, and weeds. ...
Análises dos parâmetros físicos-químicos e microbiológicos do efluente da ETE localizada no município de Rio Formoso
The investigation aimed to present the effluent treatment system of the city of Rio Formoso, to analyze the quality data of the effluents of the Sewage Treatment Station (STS) studied. Effluent is defined as all sanitary ...