Now showing items 201-210 of 222
Efetividade das políticas públicas do turismo no município de Gravatá - PE : uma proposta de implantação de um sistema de monitoramento e acompanhamento para sua gestão.
In Gravatá, a city located in the countryside of Pernambuco, second home tourism is the primary form of tourism, followed by event tourism. Field research, carried out through interviews with city tourism managers and ...
Proposta de modelo matemático para determinação de CO2 utilizando o sensor MQ-135
The quality of the air we breathe is a relevant issue of great importance to human health. When it comes to evaluating the concentration of gases, it is very common for calibrated equipment to be less accessible, normally ...
Plano de intervenção: conscientização ambiental e resíduos sólidos em uma instituição de ensino privada no município de Barreiros/PE
The present work aims to contribute to the learning and environmental awareness of high school students at School São José in Barreiros/PE, through an Intervention Proposal with the theme of environmental education and ...
Proposição de metodologia para reformulação curricular de cursos técnicos integrados ao médio no âmbito da EPCT: inovações, possibilidades e desafios
The curricular organization guides any training system and its construction process must be based on ethical,
political, epistemological and pedagogical references. In professional education, curricula must reflect a ...
Ferramenta de apoio didático-pedagógico para inserção das Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação e Metodologias Ativas no ensino profissional, técnico e tecnológico
The imposition of remote learning caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, revealed that the teaching
process required the use of new digital techniques that enable the student to be an active subject
of their learning. In this ...
Uso de Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação por Docentes do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco – Campus Barreiros: Da formação à atuação docente
The aim of this study was to verify whether initial or continuing teacher education prepares teachers
for the proper use of TDIC in the classroom. The study used the field research technique, of an
exploratory nature. ...
A importância da utilização da fórmula de Brahmagupta para o Ensino do Cálculo da área dos quadriláteros convexos inscritíveis no Ensino Médio
The present work addresses the importance of using the Brahmagupta Formula for
teaching the calculation of the area of enrollable convex and quadrilaterals in high school, based
on a systematic review carried out in ...
Proposta de uma Sequência Didática para Ensino da Função Seno com uso do Geogebra como Recurso Tecnológico
This research aims to propose a didactic sequence involving the use of Geogebra as
a technological tool to support the teaching of the sine function. To shape these
activities, some aspects of didactic engineering were ...
Uma Proposta de Instrumento de Análise da Representação Gráfica para o Ensino de Geometria
Graphical representations and their importance for learning Geometry are the subject
of much research. However, even considering that this body of research has led to
greater attention to the teaching of Geometry and ...
Proposição de metodologia para reformulação curricular de cursos técnicos integrados ao médio no âmbito da EPCT: inovações, possibilidades e desafios
The curricular organization guides any training system and its construction process must be based on ethical,
political, epistemological and pedagogical references. In professional education, curricula must reflect a ...