Now showing items 191-200 of 222
Estudo preliminares das manifestações patológica de um viaduto ferroviário da estação de trem de Tejipio/ Recife/PE
This work aims to quantify and analyze the pathologies in reinforced concrete parts
of a railway viaduct located at Rua do Sancho, in the Tejipió neighborhood, Recife PE, and a study of the characteristics of the viaduct ...
Aplicação da tecnologia de medição por VANT para verificação da acurácia na determinação de volume em pilhas de resíduos de vidros
The present study aimed to verify the applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
for determining the volume of glass waste stacks in comparison to the conventional
survey carried out using Global Navigation ...
Identificação de áreas restritas à implantação de aterros de resíduos sólidos na região metropolitana do Recife
The process of selecting areas for the implantation of urban solid waste landfill is
complex, as it involves multiple restrictive criteria and requires the collection and
treatment of information that is related to the ...
Políticas de habitação no Brasil: impactos na indústria da construção civil no início do século XXI.
The problem of lack of housing in Brazil has plagued large metropolitan areas for so
long. The diligence – or inertia – from governments in order to remedy such problems
can directly impact the civil construction sector ...
Modelo multicritério para seleção conjunta de processos construtivos em obras civis
The decision-making process on construction industry involves great complexity,
however, on a daily basis, many decisions are still taken in an improvised and nonrational way. Thus, it is necessary to use consistent ...
Avaliação da aderência do sistema de revestimento argamassa com o uso da solução de cai no preparo da base
This study presents the state of the art on the ways of using the lime solution as a base preparation for the internal mortar coating system. The objective of this work is to evaluate the tensile bond strength of internal ...
Avaliação de risco de incêndio: aplicação do método de Gretener à biblioteca central da UFPE: um estudo de caso
This article aimed to verify the level of fire risk in the Central Library of UFPE,
through the application of Gretener’s method. The research was adopted as a case
study, and included a survey of data on the constructive ...
Índice de consumo como parâmetro indicativo da gestão sustentável da água em uma instituição de ensino
Water is an essential resource for the development of human activities, and is also
essential for the preservation and quality of life of future generations. In view of its
importance, the adoption of an efficient and ...
Avaliação de propriedades mecânicas de misturas asfálticas incorporadas com elevado teor de material fresado
Asphalt pavement recycling has relevance in the road segment, since it allows the
achievement of technical quality, cost reduction and mitigation of environmental
impacts. Thus, the increase in high levels of milled ...
Desafios das aulas práticas expositivas de Química durante a pandemia do Covid-19, como umas das ferramentas pedagógicas do ensino aprendizagem
This study aimed to understand the importance of practical lectures on chemistry during the period experienced by the covid-19 pandemic. The fact-finding field was carried out in a state high school. A qualitative research ...