Now showing items 181-190 of 222
Sobre as perdas de potência em painéis fotovoltaicos: Uma abordagem à luz das teorias físicas dos semicondutores
In this work we discuss about a common phenomenon in photovoltaic panels during
their energy generation process. It is the loss of efficiency due to the occurrence of
thermalization. This research began with the realization ...
Formação e caracterização socioespacial do complexo Beira-Mangue, Bairro de Rio Doce, Olinda – PE: um comparativo das presenças e ausências do poder público na produção socioespacial entre as unidades Beira-Mangue I Beira-Mangue II
The Beira-Mangue complex is an area delimited by the Olinda City Hall to think about health
policies in the areas close to the Fragoso river situated in neighborhood of Rio Doce, Olinda -
PE, being subdivided into two ...
Análise do potencial de perda de solo na área da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jaboatão
Water erosion is one of the most frequent environmental problems, causing several material and human damages. The objective of this research was to evaluate an erosion dynamic based on an analysis of the potential for soil ...
Estágio supervisionado: a influência no ser professor para os estudantes da Licenciatura em Geografia do IFPE Campus Recife.
Seeking to address the influence of the Supervised Curriculum Internship in teacher education, we reflect on the impact that the internship promotes in the education of students, analyzing the internship reports of students, ...
A Origem e a evolução dos números: uma breve história
In our daily lives we use numbers practically in every action, making it indispensable. The
numbers used today have undergone evolution and modification throughout history.
Considering that various peoples such as the ...
O Computador na sala de aula como ferramenta de recurso didático para o ensino-aprendizagem de matemática: uma abordagem introdutória
This article aims to analyze how computers and software can contribute to the
diversity of teaching techniques and improve students' learning related to
mathematics content. The methodology used in the construction of ...
Análise de dissertações produzidas por egressos do PROFMAT: possíveis contribuições para o ensino de proporcionalidade na educação básica
The following work is a study that aimed to research some dissertations produced by
PROFMAT graduates on the subject of proportionality. The analysis was made from
five topics related to the proportionality theme: theme ...
Desafios e perspectivas do estágio supervisionado para formação inicial dos docentes de Geografia no cenário da pandemia da covid 19.
In the year of 2020, the world was surprised by a pandemic, known as SARS-CoV-2 or Covid-19. In order to minimize the number of people infected and preserve theirs lives, social isolation was adopted as a measure of ...
Avaliação dos gastos públicos para financiamento do sistema municipal de unidades de proteção ambiental do Recife - PE: custos ideais x gastos reais
Since the 1960s, the term environmental conservation has become more widely used, thus becoming a global need to be met. Therefore, the emergence of several studies that aim to assess public spending is important, in order ...
Festival Gastronômico - Cheio de Fome‖: uma viagem pela gastronomia Pernambucana
This project aims to enhance the food and drinks of Pernambuco from the realization of an event at the Convention Center of Pernambuco. During the performance of our work, researches were carried out in the bibliographic ...