Now showing items 11-20 of 1069
Adaptação e aplicação da Escala Servqual para avaliação da qualidade em serviço: estudo de caso em uma mercearia.
Knowing the perception of customers with the services provided allows the company to know the weaknesses, strengths or where to improve in order to invest more in the quality of their services. This would make it possible ...
Estimativa de irradiância solar utilizando redes neurais artificiais e imagens do céu
The growing global demand for electricity from renewable sources is increasingly
encouraging the adoption of solar plants. However, due to the variant nature of solar
irradiance, brought about by atmospheric phenomena, ...
Características do belting como recurso interpretativo de canções da música popular brasileira
Belting is a technique originated from the north american musical theater. However, with the american musicals version and production from Broadway to Portuguese, it was opted to do adaptations of the techniques used on ...
Radiação e radioatividade no ensino médio: uma análise acerca das concepções dos estudantes em uma perspectiva contextualizada
This study presents an analysis of the teaching of radioactive phenomena in the Chemistry education in High School. Conducting a questionnaire with students in order to verify their knowledge about such phenomena, in order ...
A representação discursiva do gênero feminino nas propagandas da cerveja Heineken
This article aims at making a contrastive analysis between two advertisements
for Heineken beer, evidencing the main ways in which the participants in
commercials represent different discourses from the historical ...
Comparação de algoritmos para detecção de erros na transmissão
In order to mitigate errors caused by noise or interference in a data transmission
system, several techniques are applied. A very effective method for detecting errors in
digital transmissions, the Viterbi algorithm, ...
Tecnologias na educação: o uso das TICs em escolas da rede estadual de Pernambuco
Thisresearchdealswiththe use ofinformationand communication technologies (ICTs) in
education, showinghowICTsinfluencethe performance ofactivitiescarried out
insideandoutsidetheclassroom. Withthemainobjectiveofinvestiga ...
Inovação em tecnologias emergentes para a educação: uma revisão da literatura produzida no Brasil
In view of the adverse situations that the world has been facing, Information and
Communication Technologies have been a great ally for achieving success, whether
in the economic, social, political or educational scope. ...
Propriedades periódicas: uma proposta para o uso do lúdico
Playful activities are directly related to games and fun that have entertainment as one of the purposes, but when applied in the classroom, it is used as a teaching tool, with the learning of students as the main objective; ...
Ensino Médio Integrado: representações sociais construídas por professores de Física do IFPE – campus Pesqueira
Secondary education integrated with professional education seeks to promote an
integral education through the integration of the social dimensions of life: work, culture,
science and technology. However, the recent reform ...