Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Uma proposta de estudo de caso no ensino de Química: usar gasolina ou etanol como combustível?
The case study methodology based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) was used as a didactic proposal in teaching chemistry through a socio-scientific theme discussing the concepts of thermochemistry and energy. We structured ...
A importância da experimentação no ensino de Química no processo de ensino aprendizagem: uma discussão sobre a temática
As society evolves, all areas need to evolve and adapt to new challenges that are always appearing, and in education this is no different. More and more students have to be prepared for the challenges of everyday life, and ...
Modelagem como estratégia pedagógica para o ensino de Química
The creation of models that seek to more reliably represent what happens in a given system is a mechanism used by science since the beginnings of scientific knowledge. They enable an interpretation of reality without, ...
Uso de jogos lúdicos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Químíca: uma breve revisão da literatura
The present aims to study the use of playful teaching games in the teaching-learning process of students, and these games are applied in different school models that have training in the training and learning of students. ...
Ciência forense no ensino de Química como laboratório alternativo
This work describes forensic science as it can be described as an activity that supports investigations that refer to crimes, on the other hand, forensic science is also able to point out the involvement of Chemistry ...
Avaliação da aprendizagem em Química: uma análise da experiência vivida por professor e estudantes durante o ensino remoto
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic pandemic, the world had to adapt its routine to social distancing. In this period, Communication and Information Tecnologies were fundamental to keep social dymanic in society. The use ...
Investigação da formação docente de química na educação básica: um estudo aplicado
In a general conception, this research carries out a diagnosis in relation to the teaching of chemistry in the basic education network; This was observed from the perspective of the teacher and their respective qualifications, ...
O uso de experimentos gravados no ensino de Química
The present work investigated the use of recorded experiments in the teaching of chemistry and its contributions to the teaching-learning process of chemistry concepts, analyzing the importance of methodological aspects ...
Inovação no ensino de Química: a ecologia de saberes na abordagem metodológica
The present work investigated the contributions of the use of different languages in the teaching and learning process of Chemistry, identifying the oretical aspects that could base this teaching practice and examining ...
A prática pedagógica do professor e a aprendizagem de Química em uma Escola de Referência de Barreiros – PE
The present study investigated the quality of the teaching and learning process of chemistry in a School of Reference and its possible relation with the pedagogical proposal of this model of school. The proposal of the ...