Now showing items 11-20 of 20
Frequência estatística das unidades temáticas da bncc para o ensino fundamental anos finais nas provas da obmep
This work aims to map the statistical frequency of the thematic units Numbers, Algebra,
Geometry, Quantities and measures and Probability and Statistics, listed in the BNCC
(National Common Curricular Base) belonging to ...
A Geometria esférica e o globo terrestre : interdisciplinaridade e possibilidades de ensino
This work is a descriptive study made from bibliographical research and aims to explore
the relation between the main concepts of spherical geometry and the Earth's globe,
contributing to the study and teachings of ...
Jogos matemáticos como instrumentos facilitadores no ensino das quatro operações nas séries finais do ensino fundamental
The present article with the theme Mathematical Games as facilitating instruments in
the teaching of the four operations in the final grades of elementary school and aims
to use the games as facilitating resources in the ...
O Lúdico em sala de aula: aprimoração do raciocínio lógico através do sudoku
In this work, a study was developed about difficulties faced in the teaching/learning of
mathematics education and methods that can help in its development, focusing on the
playful that is a pleasant way of teaching and ...
O Computador na sala de aula como ferramenta de recurso didático para o ensino-aprendizagem de matemática: uma abordagem introdutória
This article aims to analyze how computers and software can contribute to the
diversity of teaching techniques and improve students' learning related to
mathematics content. The methodology used in the construction of ...
Ensino da função seno através do phet interactive simulations: uma sequência didática para análise da contribuição de um laboratório virtual para a aprendizagem da matemática
The objective of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of a didactic sequence
focused on teaching the sine function using the virtual mathematics laboratory PhET
Interactive Simulations. The virtual environment ...
Mankala colhe três: propostas de construção deste jogo etnomatemático com materiais de baixo custo
The objective of this work is to present some proposals for the construction of the
ethnomathematical game Mankala Colhe Três using low-cost materials. As this work is a
construction proposal, our suggestions were in the ...
A Metáfora da balança na introdução do tema equação do 1° grau: um estudo em livros didáticos do 7° ano
The present work aims to investigate whether the metaphor of the balance is an introductory
topic to the study of the 1st degree equation and how it is approached in textbooks of the 7th
year. Considering that this study ...
A Abordagem do tema porcentagem nas provas da OBMEP nível 2 a partir da implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular
The present work aims to verify the frequency of the Percentage theme in tests of the
1st and 2nd phases of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad of Public Schools (OBMEP)
for level 2 (8th and 9th grades) in the period from ...
A História da trigonometria e uma aproximação com a sala de aula
This study aims to conduct a bibliographic review on the History of Trigonometry and
its application in the classroom, proposing a connection between the history of this
discipline and Mathematics education. The research ...