Now showing items 1-10 of 19
O uso das tecnologias de informação no curso de licenciatura em matemática do IFPE- campus Pesqueira
The social context in which we operate is strongly marked by the presence of
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which in turn has been gaining
more space and prominence in terms of social integration ...
Concepções docentes acerca da inclusão de estudantes com deficiência em aulas de Química numa escola da rede regular de Pernambuco
This study aimed to understand teaching concepts about the inclusion of students with disabilities in chemistry classes, taught at a regular school in the municipality of Cabo de Santo Agostinho in Pernambuco. For this, a ...
Turismo pedagógico como ferramenta de educação patrimonial para os alunos da rede municipal de ensino em Igarassu – PE
The following project addresses the importance of Pedagogical Tourism as a Heritage Education practice for students of the Municipal Network of Igarassu. The present work is prepared to analyze how Tourism has been treated ...
Gênero e diversidade sexual: as experiências de estudantes LGBTI+ na Educação Profissional e os desafios no mundo do trabalho
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2020-11-09)
This study aimed to understand the experiences of LGBTI+ students in professional education
and the challenges faced in the world of work and its field of study is the Federal Institute of
Pernambuco – Olinda campus. ...
Avaliação escolar no componente curricular química: concepções e práticas de docentes do ensino médio
Teachers' conceptions about school evaluation are presented as a field of
study that demands continuous reflections regarding planning and results
from the teaching-learning process. Considering the ideas of Vasconcell ...
Novos desafios e estratégias de ensino dos professores de química do IFPE Ipojuca frente à pandemia do Covid 19
In the year of 2020 the world was caught by surprise by the event of the pandemic, accompanying worldwide devastation, characterized by being extremely contagious and very lethal. Therefore, the healthcare professionals ...
Jogo matemático digital ou manipulativo? o estado da arte deste tema nas dissertações produzidas no PROFMAT (2013-2020)
The objective of this work is to verify the state of the art of manipulative mathematical games and digital mathematical games in dissertations produced by PROFMAT (Professional Master in Mathematics in National Network) ...
Educação estética nas práticas curriculares do Ensino Médio Integrado
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2020-10-02)
The challenges faced by teachers in the search for successful aesthetic experiences in high school pedagogical environments are enormous, as many educational institutions direct school activities for students to obtain the ...
Monitoria acadêmica: tecendo relações entre o planejado, o realizado e o construído junto aos estudantes
This study brings reflections on the contributions of academic monitoring in the curricular component of Fundamentals of Education I, in a 2nd period class of Chemistry Degree Course, at Federal Institute of Pernambuco, ...
Uma análise das metodologias utilizadas por professores de matemática do ensino médio de uma escola pública do interior de Pernambuco durante o período de pandemia do covid-19
In this work we analyze the impacts of the pandemic on the final stage of basic
education, we seek to know the methodologies adopted by high school mathematics
teachers in a public school in the state of Pernambuco. For ...