Now showing items 1-10 of 35
A relação gestão-professor no contexto pandêmico da Covid-19
The following study had as its purpose to discuss the impacts of the teacher-administration relationship in the teaching-learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the administration’s role of coordinating ...
Sequências didáticas: uma proposta para o ensino de química
The teaching-learning process of Natural Sciences by high school students, especially Chemistry, proves to be challenging in the way it is developed and the way it is presented: boring, with excessive memorization of ...
Processos oxidativos avançados (POA) no ensino de Cinética Química: proposta de ferramenta metodológica envolvendo a Química e a Educação Ambiental
Environmental education is a branch of science instituted by the law 9795, on April 27, 1999, which must be applied as transversal content. It is not defined as a discipline, but it needs to take part in all disciplines, ...
As trilhas ecopedagógicas nas unidades de conservação de Bonito-PE: uma análise do processo de alfabetização ambiental e cultural.
O objetivo central deste trabalho foi identificar a relevância das Trilhas
Ecopedagógicas realizadas na Unidade de Conservação do Parque Natural
Municipal Mata da Chuva (Bonito/PE), como instrumento de aprendizagem na ...
Pernambuco e sua cultura : uma experiência com a disciplina eletiva no novo ensino médio em uma escola semi-integral do Recife - PE.
This article is an experience report of an Elective built in the context of the New High
School, in a reference school of the state government in Recife, Pernambuco. The
NEM, emerges as a possibility in relation to several ...
A percepção estudantil e docente acerca do projeto interdisciplinar como possibilidade de construção do protagonismo juvenil
The work presented is dedicated to the study of interdisciplinarity and youth protagonism as important pedagogical tools in contemporary education, therefore, they are implemented with the aim of improving the quality of ...
Processo ensino-aprendizagem de Química no contexto da pandemia de Covid-19: cenários e percepções docentes
The COVID-19 pandemic, which broke out in March 2020, gave rise to already latent difficulties in the teaching-learning process, while also bringing new challenges to all school actors. of Covid19, observing the recommendations ...
Contribuições e perspectiva da docência pós-pandemia: professores de Química mais familiarizados com as tecnologias digitais
The purpose of this work is to present the contributions and perspectives of learning
through digital technologies that proved to be a consequence of the pandemic caused
by COVID-19 and will continue to exist post-remote ...
Produção de um jogo didático baseado no jogo de cartas "Super Trunfo - Tabela Periódica" para o ensino-aprendizagem de Química
The Periodic Table is a topic of extreme importance for teaching and learning chemistry. And often their presentation in schools is quite misunderstood. In this context, students have the understanding that the Periodic ...
A utilização de materiais alternativos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Química
This study focuses on the use of alternative materials and reagents in teaching Chemistry at a public state school located in Ipojuca, Pernambuco. Its aim is to investigate whether the use of these materials can facilitate ...