Now showing items 11-20 of 322
Equação do 1° grau: análise do desempenho de estudantes do 8° ano em atividades construídas a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item
The present work aims to analyze the performance of students in the 8th grade of
elementary school, when responding to activities related to the theme of the 1st grade
equation, constructed from the Item Response Theory ...
Tecnologias do cuidado em saúde empregadas na atenção primária
The use of health technologies has improved the practice of nursing care in technical-
assistance, bureaucratic-administrative activities and in interpersonal relationships
between the actors involved. In the Family ...
A Geometria na educação infantil: opiniões e práticas pedagógicas de professores
This study sought to analyze the teachers' opinions and how they develop the
pedagogical work related to the teaching of Geometry in Early Childhood Education.
To do so, we resorted to qualitative research and used an ...
Travel like me: uma estratégia de sensibilização de pessoas sobre a violência contra a mulher turista e viajante
This paper, a requirement for completion of the Technology in Tourism Management course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco - IFPE, aims to present a proposal for an educational ...
Evento gastronômico e cultural para a cidade de Vicência
Vicência located in the North Forest of Pernambuco is a city with remarkable tourist
potential, but which is still little explored, with that the present research had as
objective the proposal of an event in the format ...
Principais falhas no processo de impermeabilização e laje coberta na região metropolitana do Recife
The objective of this work is to present inadequate occurrences of waterproofing in
roof slabs of buildings located in the metropolitan region of Recife, focusing on
exposing the main problems generated from the incorrect ...
Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável como estratégia de mercado para organizações: estudo no grupo Neoenergia
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can collaborate with a change in
corporate posture and influence more coherent and rational corporate actions
regarding the use of natural resources. In view of this, this article ...
A relação gestão-professor no contexto pandêmico da Covid-19
The following study had as its purpose to discuss the impacts of the teacher-administration relationship in the teaching-learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the administration’s role of coordinating ...