Now showing items 1-10 of 36
Ensino Médio Integrado: representações sociais construídas por professores de Física do IFPE – campus Pesqueira
Secondary education integrated with professional education seeks to promote an
integral education through the integration of the social dimensions of life: work, culture,
science and technology. However, the recent reform ...
Investigando o ensino física praticado em escolas rurais indígenas da cidade de Pesqueira
The present work sought to investigate the challenges encountered when the contents
of Physics is taught by a professor who does not have a specific degree in the area of
expertise, using an exploratory research method ...
Introdução à astronomia estelar: análise de um minicurso online sobre as estrelas
Astronomy is the kind of subject that naturally arouses people's curiosity, regardless
of their age group. The internet is able to connect people all over the world. Soon,
preparing an astronomy course for students from ...
Os conhecimentos indígenas interligados aos conhecimentos da física: o caso das fases da lua
Indigenous education is guaranteed by laws such as the Federal Constitution of
1988, the Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education and National
Curriculum Parameters, which establish the right to specific and ...
Uso das simulações no ensino de física: analisando uma simulação à luz das teorias do efeito fotoelétrico
Studies show that the use of computer simulations in Physics teaching becomes a
viable alternative for educational practice at any level of education. Offering students
a direct experience, allowing the manipulation and ...
Utilização das redes neurais artificiais para previsão de radiação solar
The use of solar energy obtained through solar cells installed in places with good incidence
of solar radiation represents a great potential for electric generation. Given the great diffusion
of this technology in Brazil, ...
O uso de simuladores no ensino de física: explorando a dualidade onda-partícula
Over the last few decades, new technologies have contributed as didactic tools for the
improvement of Education. In physics teaching, these tools become part of this process
in order to promote improvements in the study ...
Avaliação da aprendizagem de Física: um estudo com professores do ensino médio integrado do IFPE – campus Pesqueira
Assessment makes it possible to monitor the learning processes and redirect the
teacher's work. In this research, we analyze the evaluative practices of teachers
of the Physics discipline of the Integrated High School ...
A Relação entre Ciência e Religião na concepção dos participantes de um minicurso on-line
The general public thinks that Religion has always been opposed to scientific
progress, which is why the concept of war between these domains of knowledge is
based, being necessary to choose one of them and abandon the ...
Pesquisa e conceituação de um espectrômetro óptico
According to Ferreira (2012) the spectral response of a photovoltaic device is its ability
to convert the incident radiation from certain bands of the spectrum in electrical energy.
Therefore, when analyzing the spectral ...