Now showing items 11-20 of 36
Construção de um gravímetro interferométrico de mola para medição da aceleração gravitacional
This work has as main objective to present the construction of a low-cost gravimeter, which can measure the value of gravitational acceleration. The equipment uses a Michelson-Morley interferometer where one of its mirrors ...
Dos atomistas ao átomo moderno: um resgate histórico da evolução dos modelos atômicos
The present work presents a survey of the evolution of atomic models, starting from the
Greek thought with the first ideas of the atomists, passing through the atomic models of
the classical era and culminating in the ...
Construção de um aparato experimental de baixo custo para análise espectral e inserção do modelo atômico de Bohr no ensino de física moderna
In the developed paper, we built a low cost spectrometer for measuring the
wavelengths of the spectral lines of gas lamp radiation, which can be used in teaching
the Bohr atomic model. The preparation of the project was ...
Desenvolvimento e aplicabilidade de um multimedidor de grandezas elétricas utilizando plataforma arduíno
The objective was to develop a device capable of collecting precise electrical
measurements such as commercial multimeters, reflecting on the contributions to the
teaching-learning process with its application in Physics ...
Diálogos entre a teoria da aprendizagem significativa e a neuroaprendizagem para o ensino de física
This article is a bibliographic study of a qualitative nature, on the Theory of
Meaningful Learning (TML) and Neurolearning (NL). The TML has Marco Antonio
Moreira as its main theoretician mentioned in this article, while ...
Ensino de física para pessoa com deficiência intelectual: um estudo de caso
The inclusion of people with disabilities in regular classes is a right established by
law. The disability that was discussed in this research is the intellectual one.
According to AAIDD (2023), intellectual disability ...
Sobre as perdas de potência em painéis fotovoltaicos: Uma abordagem à luz das teorias físicas dos semicondutores
In this work we discuss about a common phenomenon in photovoltaic panels during
their energy generation process. It is the loss of efficiency due to the occurrence of
thermalization. This research began with the realization ...
Como a música pode auxiliar no ensino de física
This study, whose theme is “How music can auxiliary in Physics teaching”, seeks to
analyze how Physics is explored in the classroom by students and understand that
Physics goes far beyond just the application of formulas. ...
Fenômenos ondulatórios: uma proposta de sequência de ensino para turmas do ensino fundamental
The general objective of this study was to analyze the contributions of implementing a
proposed teaching sequence, addressing wave phenomena, in classes with students
in the 9th year of Elementary School in Science, using ...
Investigando as contribuições da aplicação de experimentos para o ensino de física no ensino médio
Considering the importance of Experimental Practices in Physics Teaching, this
research aims to analyze whether their use in high school Physics classes contributes
to better student learning in a public school in the ...