Now showing items 1-10 of 49
O posicionamento da Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática sobre a reforma do Ensino Médio: uma análise documental
Secondary education was reformed in Brazil through Provisional Measure No.
746/2016, converted into Law No. 13.415/2017. The reform, currently being
implemented, impacted – and continues to impact – not only secondary ...
Formação docente e a inclusão do(a) estudante com deficiência: O que pensam futuros(as) professores(as) do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática do IFPE – Campus Pesqueira
The inclusion of students with disabilities in the educational system needs to be
recognized as a permanent process. In this perspective, the teacher as well as his/her
education are essential elements for the implementation ...
A formação docente inicial ofertada pelo curso de graduação em matemática do IFPE- Campus Pesqueira : sob o olhar dos egressos
The present work deals with an analysis of the initial training offered by the
undergraduate course in mathematics at the IFPE/Pesqueira campus from the
perspective of the graduates. Specifically, we sought to analyze ...
Mínimo múltiplo comum: aplicação de uma sequência didática a partir do jogo de bingo
The objective of this work is to apply a didactic sequence for the MMC theme (Least
Common Multiple) through the game of bingo. This SD was applied to a 6th grade
class at the Jose Elói Municipal School located in the ...
Mínimo múltiplo comum: aplicação de uma sequência didática a partir do jogo de bingo
The objective of this work is to apply a didactic sequence for the MMC theme (Least
Common Multiple) through the game of bingo. This SD was applied to a 6th grade
class at the Jose Elói Municipal School located in the ...
Proposta de modificação em exercícios sobre o teorema de Pitágoras utilizando a teoria de resposta ao item
The objective of this work is to present modifications in exercises on the Pythagorean
Theorem using the Item Response Theory (IRT), using exercises taken from Mathematics
didactic works of elementary school final years ...
Jogos Matematicos do Projeto Novo Mais Educação : Análise a partir das unidades temáticas para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental segundo a BNCC
The present work was developed through the experience of participating in the Novo Mais
Educação Project (PNME) in the early years of elementary school in the municipality of
Alagoinha/PE. The purpose of this is to catalog ...
Trigonometria: uma discussão histórica
Quatérnios: indo além dos números complexos
The present work discusses, from a historical perspective, the existence of
quatérnios, a numerical field broader than complex numbers. The work also presents
concepts and a historical rescue of complex numbers, in ...