Now showing items 941-950 of 1259
Práticas de letramento no PROEJA Mulheres: o uso de gêneros textuais como contribuição para o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem dos discentes
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2023-10-24)
This dissertation aimed to understand and investigate how literacy practices are
experienced in PROEJA classrooms, with reading and writing as a guiding thread
consolidated by the us e of textual genres presented for the ...
Projeto para implantação de um hotel no aeroporto internacional do Recife :um estudo de viabilidade e impacto turístico
This feasibility study examines the possibility of implementing a hotel on the premises
of Recife International Airport, in order to assess its tourist impact. Recife International
Airport is one of the main gateways ...
Avaliação do uso da tecnologia social biodigestor na agricultura de base
In Brazil, family farming is considered the main responsible for food production. Therefore,
among the sustainable technologies developed to provide improvements to family-based
agriculture, biogas is found as an ...
Impacto das emoções no processo de aprendizagem de Química: um olhar sobre a educação emocional de estudantes do Ensino Médio
This work analyzed the possible impacts that emotions can have on the learning process, focusing on chemistry learning, based on a look at the emotional education of high school students. To this end, we take as central ...
Utilização de jogos como alternativa de avaliação da aprendizagem de Química: um olhar sobre as percepções dos estudantes
This monograph discusses the existing learning assessment processes, as well as seeking to bring alternatives that can help the chemistry teacher to evaluate students in the best possible way, making this moment less tense ...
Passos históricos : revelando o Recife antigo das tampas de bueiro
This study was carried out based on an analysis of manhole covers, elements that
are often underestimated in the urban landscape, but are fundamental to global
urban infrastructure, highlighting their potential as ...
Uma proposta de estudo de caso no ensino de Química: usar gasolina ou etanol como combustível?
The case study methodology based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) was used as a didactic proposal in teaching chemistry through a socio-scientific theme discussing the concepts of thermochemistry and energy. We structured ...
Armazenamento de energia em clientes do grupo A com microgeração FV
Given the high cost of energy tariffs for Group A clients during peak consumption
hours, there was a recognized need for solutions that could meet consumption during these times more economically. Therefore, the storage ...
Percepção de professores de Química sobre a implementação do novo ensino médio
Provisional measure No. 746 of 22 published in September 2016 instituted the policy to encourage the implementation of full-time secondary schools, amending the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, articles ...