Now showing items 921-930 of 1250
Ser professor/a de Física no Ensino Médio Integrado: representações sociais construídas por professores/as do IFPE - campus Pesqueira
Teacher training for Integrated High School requires a didactic-methodological
approach consistent with the demands of the teaching and learning processes of this
education. In this scenario, in this work, our general ...
Concepções de Currículo Integrado nas práticas curriculares do PROEJA
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2023-10-05)
This research aims to understand the concepts of integrated curriculum in curricular practices of the Technical Course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in the Integrated PROEJA modality, from the Federal Institute of ...
Um super-herói no reino quântico: utilizando o filme do homem-formiga no ensino da Física Moderna
The teaching of Modern Physics in secondary schools has faced several difficulties
and challenges over the years due to countless factors, resulting in a lack of
experience and superficial understanding on the part of ...
Análise de atividades de leitura literária do livro didático Se liga nas Linguagens: Português
This article aims to carry out an analysis of the exercises and activities present in the High School Portuguese Language textbook, more specifically, to investigate how the collection “Se liga nas Linguagens: Português” ...
O museu de ciências como ferramenta didática na visão dos professores de física: analisando o potencial didático do Espaço Interativo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA)
This paper investigated the integration of the Espaço Interativo de Ciências,
Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA) in Physics teaching, through interviews with 23
participants (Physics degree students who are part of Teaching ...
As práticas docentes vinculadas à diversidade étnico-racial no Ensino Médio Integrado à formação técnica em Segurança do Trabalho
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2023-10-30)
The main objective of the master's research is to analyze teaching practices for ethnic-racial diversity in Integrated High School (EMI) to technical training in Occupational Safety, at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco ...
Desenvolvimento de programa para dimensionamento da carga térmica e seleção das unidades condensadora e evaporadora: sistemas frigoríficos de pequeno porte
Cold rooms are used, in commercial and industrial companies, as one of the main refrigerated compartments that have the capacity to store and preserve products, such as: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and varieties. ...
Acessibilidade Comunicacional no Museu do Estado de Pernambuco
Tourism, in to beig considered an economic activity, is also social in nature, since when
moving within societies, individuals impact and are impacted by this environment.
Communication Accessibility (AC) is a set of ...
Análise Comparativa de Redes Neurais Artificiais e Algoritmos de Ensemble para a Predição de Risco de Crédito
In this study, the importance of credit risk analysis in the financial system is explored,
highlighting its challenges and economic implications. Given the complexity of
imbalanced data and the dynamics of the economic ...