Now showing items 971-980 of 1250
Mankala colhe três: propostas de construção deste jogo etnomatemático com materiais de baixo custo
The objective of this work is to present some proposals for the construction of the
ethnomathematical game Mankala Colhe Três using low-cost materials. As this work is a
construction proposal, our suggestions were in the ...
A Metáfora da balança na introdução do tema equação do 1° grau: um estudo em livros didáticos do 7° ano
The present work aims to investigate whether the metaphor of the balance is an introductory
topic to the study of the 1st degree equation and how it is approached in textbooks of the 7th
year. Considering that this study ...
A Abordagem do tema porcentagem nas provas da OBMEP nível 2 a partir da implementação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular
The present work aims to verify the frequency of the Percentage theme in tests of the
1st and 2nd phases of the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad of Public Schools (OBMEP)
for level 2 (8th and 9th grades) in the period from ...
Síntese e avaliação antimicrobiana de novos híbridos contendo eugenol e o núcleo 1,2,4- oxadiazol
In the constant search for new pharmacological compounds, molecular hybridization is a consecrated tool in medicinal chemistry for which two or more pharmacophoric groups are combined to create a new compound called hybrid. ...
A importância da educação no sistema prisional brasileiro: uma breve revisão da literatura
This article presents a literature review using an exploratory and descriptive study methodology, seeking to relate the importance of education inserted in the Brazilian prison system and its relevance in the process of ...
Estudo das características geoelétricas de linhas de transmissão em prospecção a um modelo autocompensado
Considering the difficulties in acquiring new rights-of-way for the construction of new transmission line projects and the need for such investments in the electricity sector due to the constant increase in energy demand, ...
Síntese, avaliação antibacteriana e estudo do perfíl farmacocinético, bioativo e de toxicidade do (2R)-3-butin-2-il 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetil-β-D- glicopiranosídeo
Resistance to drugs against diseases caused by bacteria is increasing and becoming a growing public health problem. In this regard, O-glycosides, a class of molecules derived from natural carbohydrates, stand out due to ...
Proposta de modelo matemático para determinação de CO2 utilizando o sensor MQ-135
The quality of the air we breathe is a relevant issue of great importance to human health. When it comes to evaluating the concentration of gases, it is very common for calibrated equipment to be less accessible, normally ...
Educação sexual e o ensino de ciências: análise do uso de anticoncepcionais a partir de uma proposta didática interdisciplinar direcionada às estudantes do Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco - Campus Barreiros
Sexuality has been present in the individual's life since his birth, and accompanies him throughout his life. Sexuality involves all forms of seeking and experiencing pleasure. The process of sexuality development is ...