Now showing items 961-970 of 1248
O uso de mapas conceituais como objeto para o ensino de estática no primeiro ano do ensino médio
The present study proposes an innovative approach to teaching Statics in the first
year of high school, employing the pedagogical tool of concept maps. Concept
maps are graphical resources aimed at representing knowledge ...
Uso de jogos lúdicos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Químíca: uma breve revisão da literatura
The present aims to study the use of playful teaching games in the teaching-learning process of students, and these games are applied in different school models that have training in the training and learning of students. ...
Ensino da função seno através do phet interactive simulations: uma sequência didática para análise da contribuição de um laboratório virtual para a aprendizagem da matemática
The objective of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of a didactic sequence
focused on teaching the sine function using the virtual mathematics laboratory PhET
Interactive Simulations. The virtual environment ...
Matemática financeira e finanças pessoais: análise do perfil da licenciatura em matemática do IFPE Campus Pesqueira
The objective of this work is to analyze the profile of students in the Mathematics
Education program at IFPE Campus Pesqueira regarding the application of elements
of Financial Mathematics to their personal finances. ...
Horta escolar agroecológica: cultivando saberes com crianças da comunidade quilombola do Engenho Siqueira em Rio Formoso, PE
The present work proposes to present the results obtained in the experience of implementing and maintaining an agroecological garden at the José Minervino Roberto Municipal School located in the Quilombola Community of ...
Gestão de estoques de manutenção, reparo e operação: um estudo de caso em uma indústria petroquímica
This final paper has the objective of defining which the replacement
strategies are adequate for MRO items, in the context of a Petrochemical Industry.
The actualy stock of spare parts has several items with non-regulated ...
Aplicação de Processamento de Linguagem Natural na identificação de perfis depressivos em mídias sociais.
The influence of social media on people's mental health is noticeable. With
technological advancement and the prevalence of virtual interactions, social
relationships began to be mediated by electronic devices, raising ...
Uso da alvenaria estrutural no condomínio Vila das Seringueiras
Evaluate the use of structural blocks as a construction method in the Vila das
Seringueiras condominium. To analyze the execution procedure, interviews were
carried out with engineers and bibliographic reviews, as for ...