Now showing items 61-70 of 914
Mínimo múltiplo comum: aplicação de uma sequência didática a partir do jogo de bingo
The objective of this work is to apply a didactic sequence for the MMC theme (Least
Common Multiple) through the game of bingo. This SD was applied to a 6th grade
class at the Jose Elói Municipal School located in the ...
Análise de ferramentas de testes baseadas em BDD
This article's main theme of his approach a large area of Computer Science, Software Testing, focused on automated testing tool that uses a structured language based on natural language. In studies it was realized that ...
Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem: construção e validação de aplicativo direcionado ao idoso com insuficiência cardíaca
Objectived to build and validate the SAE (Nursing Care Systematization) application
in the care of the elderly with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) in order to list the
primary nursing diagnoses, interventions and expected ...
Tecnologia como ferramenta de enfrentamento da violência contra mulheres: construção e validação de aplicativo
The objective was to build and validate an application to deal with violence against
women. It is a methodological study of development and validation of a prototype,
with a quantitative approach, developed in three ...
Uso das simulações no ensino de física: analisando uma simulação à luz das teorias do efeito fotoelétrico
Studies show that the use of computer simulations in Physics teaching becomes a
viable alternative for educational practice at any level of education. Offering students
a direct experience, allowing the manipulation and ...
Utilização das redes neurais artificiais para previsão de radiação solar
The use of solar energy obtained through solar cells installed in places with good incidence
of solar radiation represents a great potential for electric generation. Given the great diffusion
of this technology in Brazil, ...
O uso de simuladores no ensino de física: explorando a dualidade onda-partícula
Over the last few decades, new technologies have contributed as didactic tools for the
improvement of Education. In physics teaching, these tools become part of this process
in order to promote improvements in the study ...
Relatório teórico-analítico em hospitalidade no setor de governança
The following survey was developed in the governance sector, which is a primary part
within a hotel, as its function is to ensure the well-being of guests. Seeking such a view
on the cleaning process, the research comes ...
O processo de referenciação na (re)construção do sentido no gênero meme sobre a pandemia de COVID-19
The new coronavirus pandemic has brought invaluable impacts to the lives of individuals and to deal with current circumstances, uncertainties and changes, users of digital social networks have created and/or shared a large ...
A composição visual em pinturas baseadas na obra Vidas Secas, de Graciliano Ramos: uma análise multimodal sob a perspectiva da Gramática do Design Visual
The objective of this paper is to understand how students imagetically represented the meanings of the literary work Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos, after a didactic intervention proposal. Our corpus is exclusively ...