Now showing items 51-60 of 1067
Introdução à astronomia estelar: análise de um minicurso online sobre as estrelas
Astronomy is the kind of subject that naturally arouses people's curiosity, regardless
of their age group. The internet is able to connect people all over the world. Soon,
preparing an astronomy course for students from ...
Os conhecimentos indígenas interligados aos conhecimentos da física: o caso das fases da lua
Indigenous education is guaranteed by laws such as the Federal Constitution of
1988, the Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education and National
Curriculum Parameters, which establish the right to specific and ...
Juventude e educação profissional: sentidos atribuídos ao curso técnico em Informática para Internet integrado ao Ensino Médio
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco - Campus Olinda, 2021-08-31)
This research aimed to understand the meanings attributed to integrated High
School and how these are articulated with the construction of the life projects of
students from the Technical Course in Computers for the ...
Aulas remotas e sua representação para professores do ensino médio integrado no Instituto Federal de Pernambuco Campus Garanhuns
This work is a qualitative research whose focus is to analyze the representations of the communicative event class in remote context for integrated high school teachers at the IFPE campus Garanhuns. The study differentiates ...
Software de gerenciamento, armazenamento, processamento e visualização de dados em tempo real para aplicação no sistema telemétrico raibee
This project aims to develop software for the RailBee® telemetric system based on the monitoring of city trains using wireless sensor network mechanisms and embedded systems. This software receives and displays, in real ...
Estruturação de um Banco de Dados Espacial como Repositório dos Dados do Projeto SIGAreias
The aim of this paper is report a structuring of a spatial database for the development of the SIGAreias system and its own evolution to a multidimensional database. The Geographic Information System (GIS) called SIGAreias ...
Análise de videos do YouTube sobre parada cardiorrespiratória em gestantes
Objective: to analyze Youtube videos with content about the conduct of health
professionals in cardiorespiratory arrest in pregnant women. Methodology:
Descriptive, quantitative study carried out in September 2021 Results ...
A formação docente inicial ofertada pelo curso de graduação em matemática do IFPE- Campus Pesqueira : sob o olhar dos egressos
The present work deals with an analysis of the initial training offered by the
undergraduate course in mathematics at the IFPE/Pesqueira campus from the
perspective of the graduates. Specifically, we sought to analyze ...
Desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação geográfica web pra o monitoramento de ovitrampas
In public health, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is feasible for monitoring vectors of diseases that can result in epidemics and lead to death, such as Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya transmitted by Aedes aegypti. The ...