Now showing items 21-30 of 50
O Método de Briot-Ruffini e as relações de Girard para resolução de equações algébricas do terceiro grau
The resolutions of equations have always motivated mathematicians since antiquity,
contributing significantly to the history of mathematics. In this sense, we aim to
present methods of resolution of third-degree ...
Transformações geométricas elementares no plano complexo
The main objective of this work is to present the theory of complex numbers with a
geometric look, inferring that the geometric applications executed in the Cartesian
plane, conveniently adapted, can also be applied in ...
Equação do 1° grau: análise do desempenho de estudantes do 8° ano em atividades construídas a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item
The present work aims to analyze the performance of students in the 8th grade of
elementary school, when responding to activities related to the theme of the 1st grade
equation, constructed from the Item Response Theory ...
O Ensino de matemática em dialogicidade com a identidade étnico-cultural do povo indígena Xukuru do Ororubá: um estudo sobre os polígonos a partir da pintura corporal
This article aims to report an experience lived in the discipline of mathematics in a
class of 7th grade A of Elementary School of the Ororubá State Indigenous School,
located in the Xukuru do Ororubá Indigenous Territory, ...
Frequência estatística das unidades temáticas da bncc para o ensino fundamental anos finais nas provas da obmep
This work aims to map the statistical frequency of the thematic units Numbers, Algebra,
Geometry, Quantities and measures and Probability and Statistics, listed in the BNCC
(National Common Curricular Base) belonging to ...
A Geometria esférica e o globo terrestre : interdisciplinaridade e possibilidades de ensino
This work is a descriptive study made from bibliographical research and aims to explore
the relation between the main concepts of spherical geometry and the Earth's globe,
contributing to the study and teachings of ...
Jogos matemáticos como instrumentos facilitadores no ensino das quatro operações nas séries finais do ensino fundamental
The present article with the theme Mathematical Games as facilitating instruments in
the teaching of the four operations in the final grades of elementary school and aims
to use the games as facilitating resources in the ...
O Lúdico em sala de aula: aprimoração do raciocínio lógico através do sudoku
In this work, a study was developed about difficulties faced in the teaching/learning of
mathematics education and methods that can help in its development, focusing on the
playful that is a pleasant way of teaching and ...
A Origem e a evolução dos números: uma breve história
In our daily lives we use numbers practically in every action, making it indispensable. The
numbers used today have undergone evolution and modification throughout history.
Considering that various peoples such as the ...
O Computador na sala de aula como ferramenta de recurso didático para o ensino-aprendizagem de matemática: uma abordagem introdutória
This article aims to analyze how computers and software can contribute to the
diversity of teaching techniques and improve students' learning related to
mathematics content. The methodology used in the construction of ...