Now showing items 11-20 of 50
Desafio e possibilidade para o ensino de frações na pandemia: uma visão dos/as professores de matemática 6 ano do ensino fundamental
The present course conclusion work aimed to analyze the challenges faced by
teachers from the state, municipal and private network of the municipality of
Pesqueira-PE in relation to the teaching of fractions in the 6th ...
Medidas agrárias utilizadas pelo povo Xukuru do Ororubá na cubagem de terras
The objective of this research is to present the ways, practices and techniques used by the
Xukuru do Ororubá indigenous peoples, who are located in the city of Pesqueira-PE, as well
as to answer if this system of measures ...
As Cônicas e seus diâmetros: construções e problemas
The present work is a descriptive study on the diameters of conics which has the
descriptive analysis methodology adopted. The main objective is to describe the
diameters of each conic, contributing to the teaching of ...
Utilização de secador solar e resíduos de coco verde para produção energética
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2022-05-27)
The country's energy matrix has needs, and changes are moving towards sustainability. The Brazilian energy sources are diverse (hydroelectric, biomass, wind), becoming less and less subordinated to deforestation. With ...
Evasão Discente: da produção cientifica ao olhar do discente do curso de licenciatura em Matemática do IFPE - Campus Pesqueira
In this work, we initially present the results of an analysis, of the research research
type, made from scientific articles published from 2010 to 2020 that present research
on student dropout in higher education (EHEA) ...
A Utilização do lúdico nos programas PIBID e residência pedagógica na licenciatura em matemática do IFPE/Pesqueira
This article discusses the importance of working on playfulness during the training of
undergraduates studensts in mathematics, who participate or have participated in the
Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching ...
Avaliação em matemática durante a pandemia de covid-19: um estudo de caso
Faced with a new reality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many changes have
taken place in the teaching and learning processes, especially in the evaluation
process. The objective of this study was to analyze what were ...
Formação de professores de matemática para inclusão de discalcúlicos : um estudo de caso
This work is part of a scientific initiation Project that aimed to analyze the training of Mathematics degree teachers with regard to inclusive education, specifically about Dyscalculia we used authors such as Lanúzia ...