Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Influência do cenário pandêmico na qualidade do serviço educacional de uma instituição federal
This research is an exploratory case study that aims to identify the impacts resulting
from the pandemic caused by Covid-19 on the quality of educational services provided
by a federal educational institution, ...
Análise qualitativa do parque de Camaragibe-PE para a prática de atividades físicas
Parks and squares can play an important role in health promotion, as they can be
suitable places for physical activity, providing an active life to users. The present work
had as its object of study the Parque de Camaragibe, ...
Aplicação da análise preliminar de risco no processo de lavanderia hospitalar: Um estudo de caso.
This article presents the application of risk analysis to solve or minimize the problems
of one of the hospital washing processes of an industrial laundry located in
Pernambuco. This application was based on the Preliminary ...
Proposta de ações para a eliminação da etapa de rebarbação de engrenagens para veículos durante o processo de usinagem de uma indústria metalúrgica localizada em Igarassu PE
This paper presents an action plan with the objective of proposing actions to eliminate
rework by material removal in precision gear parts produced in a metallurgical
industry located in Igarassu-PE. For the elaboration ...
Um levantamento de ferramentas da qualidade aplicadas para atender aos requisitos da ISO 22000 em panificadoras.
The objective of this article is to survey the quality tools used to meet the requirements
of ISO 22000 in bakeries. This is a bibliographic research with a qualitative approach.
The theme addresses the importance of ...
Aplicação de ferramentas da qualidade na resolução de falhas no controle de estoque de microempresas : Um estudo de caso em um armazém da contrução civil de Itapissuma.
Currently, according to evidence, among the main pillars of Brazilian economic development are the construction sector and microenterprises (ME), whose proper management of their resources, such as inventory, for example, ...
Produtividade no Home office: Uma investigação dos impactos dessa modalidade nos serviços prestados pela CRADT de um campus do IFPE.
This article presents an investigation into the factors that positively and negatively
impacted the productivity of the services provided by the Coordination of Academic
Records, Diplomation and Shift, in a unit of the ...
Utilização da ferramenta PDCA para a sistematização dos processos para a elaboração dos materiais didáticos utilizados no EAD.
This paper aims to identify the processes performed in the preparation of didactic material, and the possibility of using the PDCA quality tool. With the growth of the offer of EaD courses and the considerable increase of ...