Now showing items 1-10 of 14
O museu de ciências como ferramenta didática na visão dos professores de física: analisando o potencial didático do Espaço Interativo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA)
This paper investigated the integration of the Espaço Interativo de Ciências,
Tecnologia e Artes (EICTA) in Physics teaching, through interviews with 23
participants (Physics degree students who are part of Teaching ...
Abordagem ctsa no ensino de Física nuclear: reflexões iniciais sobre uma intervenção didática na desmistificação do uso das radiações
The traditional physics education often focuses solely on math, overlooking practical
applications in relevant social issues, like radiation usage. This study details a didactic
intervention in nuclear physics, using ...
O uso de mapas conceituais como objeto para o ensino de estática no primeiro ano do ensino médio
The present study proposes an innovative approach to teaching Statics in the first
year of high school, employing the pedagogical tool of concept maps. Concept
maps are graphical resources aimed at representing knowledge ...
Um Estudo sobre o Uso do Vídeo como Recurso Didático de Ensino Aprendizagem nas Aulas de Física do 8º Ano do Ensino Fundamental
The objective of the research work was to analyze the understanding and attractiveness of
Physics classes for students in a penultimate year of Elementary School, using videos as a
methodological resource. A survey was ...
Análise das estratégias de um professor de Física para o ensino de estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) no Ensino Médio
The objective of this research was to understand the strategies used by a Physics
teacher in a regular classroom with three students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) in the Integrated High School program with a technical ...
Ensino de Física para estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo: o desenvolvimento de uma sequência de ensino fundamentada no Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem
The study presents a teaching sequence in Physics aimed at students with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD), developed based on the Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) framework, which seeks to provide accessible education ...
Física e sustentabilidade: contribuições desta ciência na preservação ambiental
The study examines the contributions of physics in the face of major contemporary
environmental challenges, considering various interdisciplinary variables such as
chemistry, biology and mathematics. Using a recent and ...
Visitando o passado com o Stellarium: as observações astronômica que impactaram o conhecimento humano
This work presents an analysis of the observations and measurements conducted by
historical figures in Astronomy, such as Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Galileo, using
simulations in the Stellarium software. The study includes ...
Construção e vivência de uma sequência de ensino utilizando experimentos de baixo custo no ensino de eletrização
In this article we seek to report and develop a didactic sequence in the area of
electrostatics, through classroom experience, applied in the 5th period of integrated
high school in Buildings at IFPE - Pesqueira campus. ...
Uma análise sobre as contribuições do software tracker para o ensino de cinemática em turmas de ensino médio
In the context where the teaching of Physics in the classroom involves the presentation
of content and problem-solving using mathematical models, without reproducing
meaning, we conducted a study that sought to investigate ...