Now showing items 11-20 of 217
Comparação de algoritmos para detecção de erros na transmissão
In order to mitigate errors caused by noise or interference in a data transmission
system, several techniques are applied. A very effective method for detecting errors in
digital transmissions, the Viterbi algorithm, ...
Inovação em tecnologias emergentes para a educação: uma revisão da literatura produzida no Brasil
In view of the adverse situations that the world has been facing, Information and
Communication Technologies have been a great ally for achieving success, whether
in the economic, social, political or educational scope. ...
Propriedades periódicas: uma proposta para o uso do lúdico
Playful activities are directly related to games and fun that have entertainment as one of the purposes, but when applied in the classroom, it is used as a teaching tool, with the learning of students as the main objective; ...
Enfrentamento da equipe de saúde na pandemia do novo coronavírus mediante limitações do sistema público
Objective: To analyze the confrontation of health professionals in the face of patient
care, in the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Method: Qualitative study, with
different professional categories that acted in the ...
Um estudo de caso da aplicação das ferramentas da qualidade inseridas no chão de fábrica e os resultados atribuídos aos custos da não qualidade.
This work focused on analyzing the results of the improvements built in the manufacture of an
organization in the area of industrial metallurgy, whose identification was not revealed due to
issues of business secrecy. ...
Capacidade de uso das terras da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jaboatão - PE
The intensive use of natural resources, mainly through agricultural practices and the phenomenon of urbanization, has been promoting environmental impacts, making it necessary to plan the use of land according to its ...
Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços oferecidos em uma loja de variedades através da escala ServQual
This article aims to identify the gaps between the expectations and perception of
customers related to the quality of service at a variety store, located in the city of
Abreu e Lima, Pernambuco, Brazil. It is ...
Sustentabilidade na hotelaria em Porto de Galinhas/PE: definição do Índice de práticas sustentáveis - IPS
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the world. It is a current phenomenon that can promote economic, social and environmental changes. In the Northeast, the coast presents itself as the main attraction of the ...
Voo livre : pela liberdade de viajar sozinha
Las relaciones de género afectan directamente las experiencias turísticas de los individuos. Este proyecto presenta una alternativa, fuera de los padrones de la sociedad, con mujeres viajando solas, presentando una experiencia ...
Gerenciamento diário de produção: estudo de caso de uma indústria de componentes plásticos
In a highly competitive scenario, companies that have reliability in their data and can make a
decision more quickly and objectively, end up standing out among the rest. Based on this, this
article aims to provide an ...