Now showing items 1-10 of 222
Anais eletrônicos do I Seminário de Linguagem e Práticas Sociais
(Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco, 2021-05-29)
O I Seminário de Linguagem e Práticas Sociais (SELPS), promovido pelo curso de pósgraduação lato sensu homônimo, é a consolidação de um projeto acadêmico que prima pela
diversidade. Essa característica é chancelada pelos ...
O ensino matemático em tempos de pandemia na ótica do professor
This project presents an analysis of how it has been for teachers to teach and educate through emergency remote teaching, in addition to addressing the main challenges of this type of teaching. The main objective of this ...
Estratégias de aprendizagem de química em tempos de ensino remoto
During the period of social isolation, school activities, which previously were entirely offered in person, needed to be rethought in remote activities. In this perspective, the way in which students study the contents and ...
Desenvolvimento de um instrumento fotométrico para análise da magnitude aparente de estrelas
The present work describes the development of a low-cost photometric instrument to
be applied in the study of apparent magnitudes of star and that can be used by students
in future research applied to astronomy and ...
A importância do erro nas atividades de matemática: uma reflexão a partir de pesquisas
This article, with a bibliographic focus, aims to provide a reflection on the role of error in mathematics learning from the point of view of problem solving. For this, we used part of the results of two research projects, ...
Fórmulas e cálculos de medidas de área de quadriláteros: uma proposta de ensino mediada pelo aplicativo quizizz
This work presents a proposal for teaching quadrilateral content, mediated by the QUIZIZZ application, which is an online quiz (questionnaire), which simulates a game of questions and answers; we specifically deal with ...
Adaptação e aplicação da Escala Servqual para avaliação da qualidade em serviço: estudo de caso em uma mercearia.
Knowing the perception of customers with the services provided allows the company to know the weaknesses, strengths or where to improve in order to invest more in the quality of their services. This would make it possible ...
Estimativa de irradiância solar utilizando redes neurais artificiais e imagens do céu
The growing global demand for electricity from renewable sources is increasingly
encouraging the adoption of solar plants. However, due to the variant nature of solar
irradiance, brought about by atmospheric phenomena, ...
Radiação e radioatividade no ensino médio: uma análise acerca das concepções dos estudantes em uma perspectiva contextualizada
This study presents an analysis of the teaching of radioactive phenomena in the Chemistry education in High School. Conducting a questionnaire with students in order to verify their knowledge about such phenomena, in order ...
A representação discursiva do gênero feminino nas propagandas da cerveja Heineken
This article aims at making a contrastive analysis between two advertisements
for Heineken beer, evidencing the main ways in which the participants in
commercials represent different discourses from the historical ...