Now showing items 1-10 of 103
A representação discursiva do gênero feminino nas propagandas da cerveja Heineken
This article aims at making a contrastive analysis between two advertisements
for Heineken beer, evidencing the main ways in which the participants in
commercials represent different discourses from the historical ...
Comparação de algoritmos para detecção de erros na transmissão
In order to mitigate errors caused by noise or interference in a data transmission
system, several techniques are applied. A very effective method for detecting errors in
digital transmissions, the Viterbi algorithm, ...
Tecnologias na educação: o uso das TICs em escolas da rede estadual de Pernambuco
Thisresearchdealswiththe use ofinformationand communication technologies (ICTs) in
education, showinghowICTsinfluencethe performance ofactivitiescarried out
insideandoutsidetheclassroom. Withthemainobjectiveofinvestiga ...
Inovação em tecnologias emergentes para a educação: uma revisão da literatura produzida no Brasil
In view of the adverse situations that the world has been facing, Information and
Communication Technologies have been a great ally for achieving success, whether
in the economic, social, political or educational scope. ...
Representações de gênero por estudantes do 8º ano da rede pública municipal de Angelim-PE: uma análise do discurso crítica
This research aims to trace a theoretical and methodological investigation about the representations of
gender that condition and maintain various stereotypes that exclude and discriminate the female gender
and tension ...
“Acorda amor!”, olha a “Roda viva”!: uma breve análise de duas letras de canções de Chico Buarque sob a perspectiva teórica da literatura de resistência
The historical period of the civil-military dictatorship, which took effect in Brazil from
1964, was marked by censorship. Any brief study of this period proves that our recent
past is full of artistic manifestations, ...
Tecnologia aplicada á logística hospitalar: uma proposta de app para promoção da humanização no ambiente hospitalar.
This article presents the importance of technology in the field of human health, and the
contributions it can bring to the field of hospital humanization, such as the use of some
mobile applications that assist in the ...
No caminho, uma cruz; na Igreja, um credo: um estudo dialógico do discurso dos católicos que constroem as Santas Cruzes de Beira de Estrada e do discurso da Igreja Católica
This article aims to analyze the dialogues between the Santas Cruzes de Beira de
Estrada and Catholicism in the municipality of Correntes - PE, the signs belonging to
the two practices and the disagreements and agreements ...
Uma análise dos processos na logística interna de uma empresa familiar de móveis rústicos da cidade do Cabo de Santo Agostinho
The study was carried out in a family business in the field of rustic furniture,
located in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho PE. The objective was to map the
organization's logistical processes and propose mechanisms ...
Gerenciamento diário de produção: estudo de caso de uma indústria de componentes plásticos
In a highly competitive scenario, companies that have reliability in their data and can make a
decision more quickly and objectively, end up standing out among the rest. Based on this, this
article aims to provide an ...