Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Transformações geométricas elementares no plano complexo
The main objective of this work is to present the theory of complex numbers with a
geometric look, inferring that the geometric applications executed in the Cartesian
plane, conveniently adapted, can also be applied in ...
Equação do 1° grau: análise do desempenho de estudantes do 8° ano em atividades construídas a partir da Teoria de Resposta ao Item
The present work aims to analyze the performance of students in the 8th grade of
elementary school, when responding to activities related to the theme of the 1st grade
equation, constructed from the Item Response Theory ...
Frequência estatística das unidades temáticas da bncc para o ensino fundamental anos finais nas provas da obmep
This work aims to map the statistical frequency of the thematic units Numbers, Algebra,
Geometry, Quantities and measures and Probability and Statistics, listed in the BNCC
(National Common Curricular Base) belonging to ...
O Ábaco de john napier: possibilidades entre a história da matemática e a prática das quatro operações aritméticas elementares
This work describes an excerpt from the work Rabdologiae (1617) by Jhon Napier
(1550-1617) with the objective of presenting the instrument Abaco de Napier, of his
authorship, which, at first, was an object used with ...
As mulheres e os números: Uma perspectiva histórica sobre suas contribuições no desenvolvimento da matemática
This work intends to present the trajectory of some women throughout the history of
Mathematics, emphasizing their contributions based on the studies of authors such as:
Cecília de Souza Fernandez, Ana Maria Luz Fassarella ...
Os modelos de crescimento populacional de Malthus e Verhulst: estimando a população do município de Sanharó- PE até o ano 2032
In this work, we present a discussion about two mathematical models that aim to
estimate the population growth in the municipality of Sanharó- PE: the Thomas
Malthus model (exponential model) and the Pierre Verhulst model ...
A aprendizagem de figuras planas: um olhar a partir das dificuldades dos alunos
Geometry is an area of extreme importance within the curriculum of the discipline of
mathematics. Introduced to students still in kindergarten and continuing throughout
their entire school cycle, for this reason it is ...