Now showing items 1-10 of 10
O Terreiro de Toré da Boa Vista como espaço sagrado do povo Xukuru do Ororubá, Pesqueira-PE
The sacred places are an enviroment of intimal interaction between the subjects and
the place, as well between the subjects and themselves, extrapolating the ambit of
sacrad and reaching diferente analysis spheres. And ...
A percepção dos estudantes do curso de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) na Escola Henriqueta de Oliveira sobre o conceito de paisagem: vivências em campo de estágio no ensino de Geografia
This research has as objective to analyze the perceptions of students of Educação
de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) course, about the conceptions of landscape and the
systematization and production of pedagogical activities ...
A moradia como um direito á cidade : a trajetória de luta e implantação do conjunto habitacional Nossa Prata, Paulista, região metropolitana do Recife -PE
Decent housing is one of the essential rights to life in the city and it does not involve
only the building of residences, but also essential urban infrastructure and services.
The implantation of Nossa Prata Housing ...
Uma outra aldeia contradições socioespaciais no Conjunto Habitacional Novo Redentor, bairro Vera Cruz, Camaragibe, Pernambuco
Aldeia passes, at first, the idea of a bucolic landscape in the Metropolitan Region of
Recife (MRR). It is marked by the presence of private horizontal condominiums of high
standard and country houses, among the presumed ...
A concepção dos licenciados em geografia da UFPE sobre a formação cidadã na educação básica
In front of the current Brazilian political crisis, marked by the polarization and inability
of respect and divergent political positioning and for the growing lack of interest from
Brazilian population by exercise of ...
Roteiro das ferrovias em Pernambuco: um olhar geográfico
In this work the Historical Geography will be based on the methodological theories
that permeate the research of the past in Geography. Rail transport emerged during
the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century in England ...
Uso do Kanban na produção de pré-fabricados de concreto
In the search for methods capable of fostering significant changes in civil construction, the
industrialization of the sector using the prefabricated parts has stood out as an option, fighting delays
that reach the ...
Construção de habitações populares com estruturas de Light Steel Framing em Pernambuco
The construction system of Light Steel Framing, known by the acronym LSF
constituted galvanized steel cold-formed, has been outstanding and getting space in
the Building market mainly due to its lightness, convenience ...
A influência de pozolana na mitigação da corrosão de armaduras em compósitos cimentícios
This study shows the state of art about the use of pozzolana in cement
composites against corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete. The objective of this
work is verify the addition of pozzolana in cement composites as ...
Abordagem multricritério para escolha de sistemas construtivos de alvenaria de vedação: estudo de caso em três obras de Pernambuco
The civil construction sector, especially in times of crisis, faces challenges and demands in
the quest to increase productivity, lower costs and meet shorter delivery times. In this context,
the present work aims to ...