Now showing items 71-78 of 78
Uma etnografia do mercado público de São José : a possibilidade do turismo cidadão em Recife - PE.
Le présent travail décrit comment les actions de réorganisation autour du
Marché Public de São José ont eu lieu et leurs impacts sur la dynamique de
l’endroit, notamment en ce qui concerne les usages touristiques et ...
Reúso de águas cinza em escola de nível médio no agreste Pernambucano
In objective to bring the school community closer to gray water reuse practices, a study was carried out on the potential for reuse at the Antônio Inácio State School in Feira Nova, PE. Based on users' consumption habits ...
Percepção sobre as fontes de desvios de custos orçados na construção civil e alternativas para sua minimização
The challenge for the execution of a project is increasingly linked to obtaining lower costs without
sacrificing quality. Having NBR 15575: 2013 as a quality reference, the work aims to identify sources
of budgeted cost ...
Avaliação dos requisitos da norma regulamentadora 18 em uma obra de reforma estrutural
Civil construction is an economic branch capable of moving the local economy, as well as serving as an indicator of how the economic scenario is found. The objective of this work is to investigate the compliance with the ...
Projeto de implantação de um restaurante temático em Boa viagem Recife Cirque Ristorante
Gastronomy is characterized by a driving force in the current scenario of tourist activity,
seeking creativity and innovation. Therefore, the present work had as general objective the
elaboration of a project of a theme ...
A paródia no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de Química: a visão da docente e dos discentes
The present work investigated the use of parody in the teaching of chemistry and its contributions in the teaching-learning process of the concepts of chemistry. Therefore, it defined as conceptuais reference categories ...
Impacto das atividades de Ensino Remoto em estudantes: Um estudo de caso em cursos do Ensino Médio Integrado do IFPE – Campus Barreiros
Brazil was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020, which forced people to maintain social
distance as a sanitary measure to combat the virus. Educational institutions and their subjects were
not prepared for a modality ...
Uso da manutenção preditiva como forma de prevenção de incêndio em filtros de mangas
In this work, it is presented how predictive maintenance can assist in the prevention of fire in a Baghouse Filter of the lead oxide production process of an automotive battery manufacturing plant. To identify the root ...