Now showing items 21-30 of 31
Implementação de um sistema provisório Scada para controle e otimização da produção em uma indústria de bebidas
The objective of this work was to develop supervisory software for a beverage
production line composed of two machines, one for filling and the other for labeling.
The programmable logic controllers installed in the ...
Projeções para expansão da transmissão e impactos da inserção de um reator na subestação Morro do Chapéu II
The expansion of electric power transmission represents a crucial element for the
Power System. Sector organizations such as the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética
(EPE) and the Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) ...
Aplicação da realidade aumentada em projetos elétricos
This work provides an approach to the successful implementation of Building Information
Modeling (BIM) in the design of a house, including special and electrical aspects using
the open source software FreeCAD. In the ...
Xukuru do Ororubá: história de luta de um povo pela conservação ambiental da sua terra ancestral
Learning programming is considered an activity that stimulates logical, structured and
mathematical thinking; having its importance recognized in several countries that
adopt it in their regular curriculum. The Oficinas ...
Aplicação do algoritmo Random Forest para determinação da geração frustrada em parques eólicos em função de restrições operacionais do ONS
This work presents a methodology for building a wind power generation prediction
model during operational restrictions established by the National System Operator
(ONS). The adopted approach involves the application of ...
Do improviso à rima; do canto à poesia: análise do gênero discursivo loa de maracatu em suas dimensões social e verbal
This work deals with the notion of discursive genre, emphasizing its constitutive aspects (social and verbal). Discusses how the loa de maracatu genre functions discursively in its typical sphere(s), especially with regard ...
Espécies Arbóreas Exóticas: estrutura populacional na Floresta Atlântica do Nordeste
The introduction of exotic species, present in different ecosystems in Brazil and around
the world, has been a cause for concern among scholars on the subject, due to the
risks that these species present to natural ...
Estratégia do manejo de resíduos sólidos rurais: comunidade do araçá localizada na zona rural do município de glória do Goitá, Pernambuco-Brasil
This research aimed to analyze solid waste management strategies in the Araçá
community, Glória de Goitá municipality, Pernambuco. Thus, some "open-air" waste
disposal sites in the Araçá community were analyzed through ...
Analise das ações de gestão ambiental em shoppings da região metropolitana do Recife - Pernambuco
This study aimed to understand the best environmental actions existing in five
shopping malls in the Metropolitan Region of Recife: Camará, Plaza, Recife, RioMar
and Guararapes; Find out which environmental management ...