Now showing items 11-20 of 31
(Do autor, 2023-08-01)
O diálogo entre a educação ambiental crítico-transformadora e a capoeira Angola : a percepção da experiência no centro de pesquisa e prática nº Golo capoeira Angola, no Agreste de Pernambuco.
Capoeira Angola emerges as a concrete possibility for resistance and fight against domination, which contributes to the current ecological ruin. With the objective of to comprehend the relationship between critical-transformative ...
Percepção de profissionais da saúde pública brasileira a respeito da educação ambiental
Nurses play a key role in promoting health and improving the living conditions of the population in the Family Health Strategy, and can act as important environmental educators in society, through public health surveillance. ...
Análise da valoração ambiental da praia de Boa Viagem na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco.
The objective of this research was to analyze the well-being of Boa Viagem beach
visitors, in the city of Recife, in the light of environmental valuation. Therefore, it was
necessary to understand that ecosystem services ...
Narrativas campesinas e afro-referenciadas sobre a afro-referenciadas sobre a necropolítica ambiental : a expansão das eólicas nos assentamentos da Mata Norte de Pernambuco
These are the occasional socio-environmental impacts caused by the implementation
of the 500kV Campina Grande III – Pau Ferro Transmission Line in the Chico
Mendes II Settlement, in the Rural Area of the municipality ...
Efeitos da pandemia sobre o estágio supervisionado da licenciatura em geografia do IFPE – Campus Recife
The general objective of this work is to analyze the expectations and realities of
undergraduate students of the Degree in Geography of IFPE - Campus Recife in the
development of internship activities throughout the ...
O papel do sistema operacional de gestão integrada - SOGI na implantação de sistema integrado de gestão - SIG em indústrias
Faced with various aspects related to technology and innovation, industry is
a sector that stands out today, especially when it comes to ISO 14001:2015
certification and other associated certifications that are acquired ...
Distribuição de elementos químicos tóxicos As, Cd, Ni, Pb e Sb em superfícies de solos de parques e praças da Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR) Pernambuco
With the increase in agricultural areas, urbanization, industry and consequently the increase in pollution and loss of environmental quality, soil monitoring for the presence of toxic chemical elements and their distribution ...
Certificações ambientais e os seus impactos no contexto Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) – case certificação lixo zero
It is observed that the motivation of so many industries in search of Environment
Certifications has increased significantly, not only as a marketing strategy for consumers of
their products or services, but with the aim ...
Diagnóstico e análise de confiabilidade em máquinas de infusão na produção de pás eólicas
As the impacts of human intervention on the environment grow, sustainable exploration
of natural resources becomes a global priority. With a focus on wind energy, crucial for
the global energy matrix, the research centers ...