Now showing items 21-30 of 290
O uso de simuladores no ensino de física: explorando a dualidade onda-partícula
Over the last few decades, new technologies have contributed as didactic tools for the
improvement of Education. In physics teaching, these tools become part of this process
in order to promote improvements in the study ...
O processo de referenciação na (re)construção do sentido no gênero meme sobre a pandemia de COVID-19
The new coronavirus pandemic has brought invaluable impacts to the lives of individuals and to deal with current circumstances, uncertainties and changes, users of digital social networks have created and/or shared a large ...
A composição visual em pinturas baseadas na obra Vidas Secas, de Graciliano Ramos: uma análise multimodal sob a perspectiva da Gramática do Design Visual
The objective of this paper is to understand how students imagetically represented the meanings of the literary work Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos, after a didactic intervention proposal. Our corpus is exclusively ...
Método canguru: levantamento e correlações sobre o perfil clínico dos recém-nascidos no Hospital Jesus Nazareno em 2019
Objective: the objective was to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical aspects
of the NB and to identify the main therapies used, the clinical complications in the NB
in the Rooming-in - Kangaroo Method (AC-MC), ...
Perspectivas de docentes da área de Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias sobre a inclusão de estudantes com deficiência
The present work aimed to analyze the perspectives of teachers in the Area of Natural Sciences and its Technologies on the inclusion of Students with Disabilities. We seek to identify possibilities and challenges inherent ...
Reflexões sobre a assistência de enfermagem a mães que deram à luz a bebês com anomalias sindrômicas relacionadas ao período gestacional
Nursing plays an essential role in health care, as it manages, plans, organizes,
coordinates and executes care. The role of professionals in relation to the neonate
diagnosed with a congenital anomaly needs to be ...
Assistência de enfermagem em face da depressão pós-parto: um estudo bibliográfico
Objective: to analyze the scientific production on nursing care for puerperal women
with postpartum depression. Method: this is a bibliometric and descriptive study,
whose data search sites were the Virtual Health Library, ...
Mínimo múltiplo comum: aplicação de uma sequência didática a partir do jogo de bingo
The objective of this work is to apply a didactic sequence for the MMC theme (Least
Common Multiple) through the game of bingo. This SD was applied to a 6th grade
class at the Jose Elói Municipal School located in the ...
Cancelamento virtual: o caso de Yuri Marçal à luz da análise de discurso crítica
Este artigo se desenvolveu a partir da questão: “Que identidades e ideologias se relacionam na construção do cancelamento virtual como prática social?” Para isso tivemos como objetivo geral: refletir sobre identidades e ...
Aplicativo H2Gás: uma ferramenta tecnológica para facilitar a relação de compra e venda de água e gás
The rapid rise of wireless technology and mobile devices in the current era is
creating a huge impact on our everyday life. Some the recent efforts have been
made to combine the best adaptive use of these technologies ...