Now showing items 31-40 of 290
A relação entre compreensão leitora, matemática básica e desempenho em química na percepção de professores do ensino médio
During the lesson, the teacher tries to make his students learn. However, it is common to come across barriers that interfere with this process. In High School, for example, there are difficulties related to content from ...
Cabras, cabocos, acaboclados, bárbaros e bravios ou afinal como foram chamados os indígenas na história do Brasil
The present article brings a brief “lexical history” to the term “caboclo” and other categories used to name the indigenous people along the Brazilian history, particularly in state of Pernambuco. This research is mainly ...
Construção de checklist para hemotransfusão em unidades de internação da rede de atenção secundária e terciária
Blood transfusion is a complex therapy that needs constant updating and improvement
to ensure its effectiveness. Therefore, hemotherapy needs instruments, such as a checklist, to list its
care steps, thus ensuring both ...
Avaliação da aprendizagem de Física: um estudo com professores do ensino médio integrado do IFPE – campus Pesqueira
Assessment makes it possible to monitor the learning processes and redirect the
teacher's work. In this research, we analyze the evaluative practices of teachers
of the Physics discipline of the Integrated High School ...
Análise de tanques atmosféricos horizontais aéreos para armazenamento de gasolina comum em postos de abastecimento na região metropolitana de Recife
This work is the result of a study of experimental analyzes that measured the
evaporation rate of common type C gasoline as a function of temperature and relative
humidity in gas stations for air horizontal atmospheric ...
A Relação entre Ciência e Religião na concepção dos participantes de um minicurso on-line
The general public thinks that Religion has always been opposed to scientific
progress, which is why the concept of war between these domains of knowledge is
based, being necessary to choose one of them and abandon the ...
Implementação de software para total sky imager
This work presents the development and implementation of an application in the
Android operating system for Total Sky Imager. Commercial equipment has a high cost
so that its acquisition by the IFPE campus Pesqueira is ...
Assistência de enfermagem em termorregulação para neonatos: revisão integrativa
Objective: To investigate the scientific production on nursing care for the control of
thermoregulation in neonates. Methods: An integrative literature review study, carried
out from May to June 2022, adopting the time ...
Análise da viabilidade técnica e econômica da instalação de uma microusina eólica residencial no município de Pesqueira-PE
Growing in energy demand. High rates of pollutants in the atmosphere. Global
warming. These factors lead to a global effort to find ways to generate renewable and
clean energy. In this sense, wind energy has been standing ...
Análise de produtividade de usinas solares fotovoltaicas no agreste pernambucano a partir de dados medidos
There are several studies that deal with the performance of photovoltaic solar plants,
indicating that these, present losses of various natures and that over their time of
operation, these losses can compromise the ...