Now showing items 1-10 of 65
Adaptação e aplicação da Escala Servqual para avaliação da qualidade em serviço: estudo de caso em uma mercearia.
Knowing the perception of customers with the services provided allows the company to know the weaknesses, strengths or where to improve in order to invest more in the quality of their services. This would make it possible ...
Tecnologias na educação: o uso das TICs em escolas da rede estadual de Pernambuco
Thisresearchdealswiththe use ofinformationand communication technologies (ICTs) in
education, showinghowICTsinfluencethe performance ofactivitiescarried out
insideandoutsidetheclassroom. Withthemainobjectiveofinvestiga ...
Um estudo de caso da aplicação das ferramentas da qualidade inseridas no chão de fábrica e os resultados atribuídos aos custos da não qualidade.
This work focused on analyzing the results of the improvements built in the manufacture of an
organization in the area of industrial metallurgy, whose identification was not revealed due to
issues of business secrecy. ...
Aplicação da análise preliminar de risco no processo de lavanderia hospitalar: Um estudo de caso.
This article presents the application of risk analysis to solve or minimize the problems
of one of the hospital washing processes of an industrial laundry located in
Pernambuco. This application was based on the Preliminary ...
Proposta de ações para a eliminação da etapa de rebarbação de engrenagens para veículos durante o processo de usinagem de uma indústria metalúrgica localizada em Igarassu PE
This paper presents an action plan with the objective of proposing actions to eliminate
rework by material removal in precision gear parts produced in a metallurgical
industry located in Igarassu-PE. For the elaboration ...
Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços oferecidos em uma loja de variedades através da escala ServQual
This article aims to identify the gaps between the expectations and perception of
customers related to the quality of service at a variety store, located in the city of
Abreu e Lima, Pernambuco, Brazil. It is ...
Desafios matemáticos: uma sequência didática a partir do jogo de dominós
The objective of this work was to create a didactic sequence (SD), which addressed
the following themes, arithmetic and multiple operations, through mathematical
challenges through the game of dominoes. We analyzed and ...
Tecnologia aplicada á logística hospitalar: uma proposta de app para promoção da humanização no ambiente hospitalar.
This article presents the importance of technology in the field of human health, and the
contributions it can bring to the field of hospital humanization, such as the use of some
mobile applications that assist in the ...
Uma análise dos processos na logística interna de uma empresa familiar de móveis rústicos da cidade do Cabo de Santo Agostinho
The study was carried out in a family business in the field of rustic furniture,
located in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho PE. The objective was to map the
organization's logistical processes and propose mechanisms ...
Gerenciamento diário de produção: estudo de caso de uma indústria de componentes plásticos
In a highly competitive scenario, companies that have reliability in their data and can make a
decision more quickly and objectively, end up standing out among the rest. Based on this, this
article aims to provide an ...