Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Um breve registro dos estilos musicais populares das obras de Antonio da Silva Cabral na interpretação da clarineta
This course completion work (Report) aims to place the reader on Some musical styles linked to popular music, portrayed in some compositions by Antonio da Silva Cabral, for clarinet and piano. Methodologically, a bibliographic ...
Guia-me: um sistema de recomendação para ajudar a iniciar ou migrar de carreira no mercado de TI
Entering the IT job market can be challenging, especially for beginners and individuals seeking to transition from other careers. The competitiveness and demand for specific knowledge and skills make this transition even ...
Implementação e orquestração automatizada de clusteres kubernetes com GitOps: um estudo de caso
This thesis presents a case study on the automated implementation and orchestration of Kubernetes clusters using the GitOps methodology. Kubernetes is an open-source platform widely used for container management and ...
Rupturas e transições na trajetória acadêmica de licenciado(a)s em música em contexto pandêmico
The situation imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the suspension of face-to-face classes indefinitely, led to the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in all educational institutions in the country. This ...
Elicitação de requisitos para desenvolvimento de um aplicativo de rotina para crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista
This study aimed to elicit requirements for the development of a routine application intended for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The importance of routine for these individuals is evident, ...
Análise e predição do desempenho dos estudantes do ensino médio de Belo Jardim-PE
This course completion work (TCC) presents a study on the academic performance of students who took the National High School Examination (ENEM), in the city of Belo Jardim-PE. During this research, analysis and prediction ...
O frevo como ferramenta didático-pedagógica para o estudo técnico do trompete
This article aims to describe how the frevo can be used as a didactic-pedagogical tool for the technical study of the trumpet. In the theoretical foundation, we discuss important concepts related to the classifications and ...